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Bo-Yeong's POV

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm ringing, sitting up in my bed I turn it off and plop back down.

After a few minutes of staring at nothing I finally decide to get up and get ready.

I was in the bathroom doing my hair when my phone starts going off. Looking at the caller I.D I answer to a very hyper Tae.

"Hey let's go get some breakfast today, I want to spend some time with my lucky lady."

"Okay, I'm almost ready. Give me like 5 minutes. I need to get dressed."

"Who needs clothes it's okay come like that."

"Idiot I'm still wearing clothes just pajamas, stop being a byuntae."
*This means pervert or something like that.>

"I'm just kidding. Maybe. Anyways I'm about to leave my house so hurry up."

"Don't rush me, Okay be safe."

I hang up and walk into my closet grabbing my clothes and changing into them quickly before walking downstairs to greet my parents.

"Morning mom, morning dad."

I walk up to both hugging them. "Morning honey, want some breakfast?"

"No thank you me and Tae are going to go eat."

I turn to look at my dad and he looks back up. "Tell him I said I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday. I just want the best for him and the best guy for you."

"I'll make sure to tell him."

I hear a ring at the doorbell and happily go answer.

"Good morning to you." He says as I wrap my arms around him giving him a tight hug.

"Good morning." Tae waves at my parents.

"Be safe kids." My mom shouts as I walk out.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" Tae closes the door behind him and walks behind me to his car.

"So where are we going?"

"Well what do you want?" We have one hour before school starts."

"Hmh, coffee shop? They sell cute little bread and cookies."

"Sounds great." He pulls out of my driveway and heads to the coffee shop.

"Oh by the way my dad wanted me to say he apologizes for the way he was acting yesterday and blah blah blah blah blah."

"It's okay he doesn't need to apologize. I see what he means, i'd be worried too. If anything I am worried. It's a tough business. There's a lot of competition. A lot of stressful practice hours. I'm going to have to work like crazy. That's why I'm going to spend as much time as possible with my love while I can."

He reaches over for my hand and gives it a light squeeze.

"It's going to get crazy, I'm telling you right now. There's going to be times where you might not see me or I may be so stressed that I'll just go home instead of to see you. But I promise you I will try my hardest to stick by you and continue to make you happy. Just remember that even if you don't see me as much and if things start going out of control you will never once leave my mind. Staring tomorrow I'm going to be around less. I don't want you to be upset or think I forgot about you. Okay?"

He parks the car but doesn't get out, instead he turns to face me

"If this is what it takes then so be it. I want you to be happy and reach your goals. I know what's happening and it's going to be okay. I'm going to be supporting you every step of the way. I'll be your biggest fan."

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