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ethan: so, i need to know: is your attraction
to me purely "i want to rip all his clothes off"
or do you still have feelings for me?

hailey: i actually hate you.

ethan: hey now, i'm not the one that sent
that message, i'm just trying to clarify on it ;)

hailey: ...

hailey: i still hate you.

hailey: but just to make it clear, i still very
much have feelings for you

hailey: i still really love you. i'm just also a little
bit.. horny..?

ethan: and by that you meant, "dying to rip the
clothes off my sexy body?"

hailey: soon it's going to mean "dying to rip
the disgustingly large ego out of your stupid

ethan: jesus okay okay message received

ethan: can you blame me? that was kind
of like... the biggest relief i've ever felt in
my life

hailey: well it doesn't matter anyway

hailey: it's not like we're hooking up.

ethan: about that...

ethan: maybe that wouldn't be the worst idea?

hailey: excuse me?

ethan: just hear me out

ethan: we obviously still have a lonnggg road
ahead of us when it comes to going back to
normal. i understand that. i know i screwed up
and i'm the one that's working to fix that.

ethan: but hailey, you're still attracted to me,
and god only knows how attracted i am to you...
can't we enjoy that much for now?

hailey: are you seriously proposing that
we be fuck buddies?

hailey: don't.

ethan: hail you don't have to say yes. i'd
be perfectly fine just waiting for you without
the amazing sex - i don't need that. all i really
need is you

ethan: all i'm saying is that it wouldn't be
a bad bonus.

hailey is typing...

hailey: ... how do i know that you're not just using
me again.

ethan: are you crazy? the last thing in this world
that i'd ever do again is use you, or anyone really,
ever again.

ethan: that's a part of my past. a part that i
regret but still a part of it.

ethan: again you don't need to agree to this.
i just thought it might not be such a bad idea...

hailey is typing...

hailey: fuck

hailey: i know i'm going to regret this.

hailey: how quickly can you be at my house?

q: is this story boring and terrible?
a: yes.
fortunately, it should get a bit better soon.

if anyone is reading this, tell me something about yourself bc i wanna get to know the angels who actually read this story. ❤️

fight for you (e.dolan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ