jun 22 2016

11 0 1

 dib has joined the chat

 lin has joined the chat 

dib: see cool right 

lin: ya cool

dib: ok so let me invite some people 

the sting has joined 

ohi has joined

the sting has left 

ohi has left 

dib: ok sooooooo that happened  

lin: lol

lin:o I know

ZIM has joined 

 dib: no nononononononooooooo


taco has joined 

ZIM: taco? oh no!

taco: hiiiiiiiiii

taco: do u have any tacketos 

ZIM: gir get off 

dib: gir stay on 

taco: but but but mary and lin are on

lin: Zim let him stay on

ZIM: fine he can stay 

lin: yay

dib: hello I'm still here 

lin: I know 

ZIM: haha

lin: zim don't be mean

dib: lol I'm watching a funny vid 

lin: can I see

dib: ya just come over I mean u live right next to my house 

lin: ok brb 

lin has left

ZIM: oooookkkkkkk

dib: zim don't try a thing 


dib: what?

ZIM: gir got on my computer 

dib: that y he hasn't said anything yet 

gir: yay I'm dancing with taco and cupcake 

lin has joined the chat 

ok I'm back  

and I am gonna invite someone

tak has joined the chat 

ZIM: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

tak: YES

lin: she is on to talk too

ZIM: no really 

dib: hey don't be mean

ZIM: ok fine then I'm inviting someone then 

zak has joined 

zak: haya lin

lin: hiiiiiiiiii

dib: who is that

lin: zims gf

ZIM: gf?

zak: ...

dib: wut?

tak has logged off 

lin: gf stands for girlfriend

ZIM: oooooooooooooooooooo

 ZIM: then yes she is my gf 

zak: zimmmmmm

dib: wait s-so zim has a gf 

zek: so do u. And she is also irken 

dib: I was just asking and keep lin out of this 

zim: u u are ... a-and lin

dib: ...

lin: diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb u did this 

dib: ummmmmm 

dib: so u have a gf

zim: im the same species ur hooman she is irken

lin: umm im also hooman I mean human 


lin: u really don't remember

lin: o ya u brainwashed yourself nm


dib: we will tell u later 

zek: ok so im still here

zim: srry  

zek: its fine

lin: ok dib and I  are going to go. mysterious mysteries is on bye

lin has left

dib has left 

zim: -_- 

zim: left for a show 

zek: hey zim can i come over 

zim: sure

zek: ok see u soon

zim: ok 

zek has left

zim has left

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