jun 30 2016

6 0 0

lin has logged on

dib has logged on

gir has logged on 

lin: hay gir 

lin: hay dib

dib: hi

gir: hiiiiiiiiii

gir: masta is sick 


lin: irkens don't get sick 

dib: ...

gir: his pak was damaged 

lin: how

gir: fighting mary 

dib: ummmm hehe

lin: really dib

dib: he tried to attack me so I kicked his pak on accident

lin: you 2 are soo dumb


lin: wut

dib: nothing 

gir: awwww 



gir : your so cute together 

lin: Ummm t-thanks gir

dib: ...

gir: I like tacos 

zim has logged on

lin: hay zim how u doing

zim: could be better but I got on because gir told me everything that was happening so 

dib: crap he did

zim: yes hehehe 

gir: im dancing wehehehe weeeehehehehe

gir has logged off 

zim: his computer died 

lin: o ok

zim: now I will make fun of you 

lin: don't you dare 

zim: what will you do 

lin: I have a secret weapon

zim: sure

lin: fine zim have it your way

zek has logged on 

zim: -_-

zim: really lin

zek: zim don't make fun of them or I will tell them ur secrete 

zim: go ahead I don't have any

zek: ok 

zek: well zim doesn't want to destroy the earth he likes it 

zek: but he also wants to make the tallest proud of him 

zim: Ok that's enuff 

zek: hehehe

zim: -_-

dib: wait... what!

dib: sooo

lin: you broke him

zim: how do u know

lin: he is sitting right next to me 

zek: hehehe

lin: -_-

dib: best day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

zim has logged out 

lin: what about the night we met 

lin: or the night when you asked me to be your gf 

dib: o ya he I guess I forgot o well

lin: -_-

dib: heheh srry

dib has logged off 

lin: ok now im coming over 

zek: he isn't  on 

lin: o yea

lin: well then im still gonna go over there and yell at him

zek: y

lin:  just because 

lin has logged off 

zek: ok then if she left and zim left im not gonna just sit im gonna go to zims 

zek has logged off 

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