jun 23 2016

5 0 0

lin has joined 

lin: Hayo guess wut 

2 hours later 

dib has joined 

dib: wut

lin: it's my b-day

dib: really!

lin: yes

dib: ok I have to go  


dib: srry 

dib has logged off

zim has joined

zim: hay 

lin: hi 

lin: guess wut

zim: wut 

lin: it's my b-day 

zim: ok

lin: -_-

zim: wut

lin: where is my happy b-day

zim:o ya 

zim: do I have to

lin: yesssss

zim: fine!

zim: happy b-day 

zim: better

lin: yes 

zim: don't ever tell anyone I said that 

zim: or i-i will ...


zim: I will make u fear the day u told them

lin: ooooookkkkkk

dib has joined 

dib: hay lin come over to my house in about half and hour 

lin: ok y

dib: you will see

lin: ok then?

dib has left 


about half an hour later

lin: ok I have to go to dibs now bye 

zim: i don't say bye or hi 

zim: soo

zek: bye 

lin has logged out 

zek: ok zim lets go we have to be there before here

zim: fine but im only going because 1 you are

zim: and 2 I can  go inside of dibs house without being harmed 

zek: ok now let's go

zek has logged off 

zim has logged off

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