Chapter 5: Meet And Greet

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Hey guys :D so here's chapter five. Too lazy and tired to write an intro properly.



The meet and greet was, overall, pretty standard. Lots of screaming fangirls and smiling. I had to make a lot of rock'n'roll signs and smile for a lot of pictures. By the end of it, my hand hurt from signing posters, CDs and the occasional bra. However, I barely noticed any of that.

I spent most of the time staring at the slight hunched figure seated behind Andy. Her head was buried in her iPod, and she had her headphones in. Occasionally, I would see her eyes flash in the reflection of the electronic screen and I was momentarily startled by the sheer beauty of her eyes. They were as green as Andy's were blue, but flecked both tiny specks of brown. Everytime she glanced up and caught me staring, my breath caught in my throat just a little bit. God, she was so beautiful. I couldn't remember much of what we'd done last night (you try drinking 2 bottles of Jack Daniels and see how your short term memory is the next morning), but what I could remember was pretty freaking amazing.

Eventually, I had to stop myself thinking like that. She was Andy's baby sister, she was only 19 after all. I could never do anything more than admire from a distance. Sighing, I turned to the next fan waiting in line.

Oh. My. God.

The girl standing in front of me was blonde and thin. She had massive boobs and frosted pink lipstick, and when she smiled at me, I was presented with two rows of perfect White teeth.

"Hey" she said. Her voice just dripped with seductiveness. "I'm Crystal"

"Ashley" I returned her flirty smile "but I guess you already know that"

"actually I didn't" she smirked at me "I've never heard of you, but I saw you from outside the store and you looked cute so I figured, why not take a chance? Why don't we....have some fun later?"

As she said this, she leaned in closer to me, her massive boobs dangling in front of my face. I could see the pink lacy bra that was supposedly there to support her, but really looked like it was far too small. Her blonde hair extensions tickled my bare chest as she whispered in my ear "How about it, Ashley?"

I stole one last glance at Kate. She was watching us nonchalantly. Who was I kidding, she didn't care. We would never be able to finish what we started. What the hell.

I turned back to Crystal, and tried to match the seductiveness in her voice with my own.

"it would be my pleasure...literally" I winked at her.

She produced her number from her bra and handed it to me.

"See you later, baby"

Her lips swayed as she walked away, completely blanking the rest of the band. I admired her tight ass, clad only in teeny denim shorts, as she strolled away. Damn. I was gonna have me some fun tonight!


I watched the nasty whore walk away with disgust. That was the kind of girl Ashley went for? Damn, no wonder Andy wanted me no where near him.

I turned to Ashley, and saw him admire her slutty ass, barely covered by her shorts as she slimed away.Ugh, he was such a pervert. I'd caught him staring at my boobs earlier. Fucking douchebag.

I stopped myself for a minute. I was so angry. Why was I angry? Ashley and I had slept together, that was it. He was perfectly entitled to sleep with whoever he wants. So why was I so angry about that slimy, STD ridden, skanky....

Woah. No. No, no, no. I suddenly realised I wasn't angry. I was jealous. As soon as I realised it was jealousy I was feeling, it vanished, only to be replaced by a much stronger emotion. Horror. I couldn't be jealous. I just couldn't be. Kate Biersack does not get jealous.

And yet, I couldn't deny the emotion sweeping up inside me, threatening to make its way out of my mouth in the form of a deafening scream.

I quickly shook myself. Ashley Purdy was a player and a pervert and I deserved better. I was going to move on with my life and forget about him. I was going to have a nice time with my brother and get to know him and his bandmates better.

Ashley? Ashley who?