My Favourites

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Before anything else, I'm an Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Pisces Rising. Tarot birth cards: Death/The Emperor. Number of life: 4.

Every witch has their favourites, be it their favourite crystal, herb, spell or element, this is my preface so to say. This is where I will explain mine. 

The element I most adore is pretty self-explanatory given my name and the name of my grimoire, but it's fire. The reason why it's fire is because ever since I was a wee girl I always loved to play with fire, loved to look at the flames roaring around me and the crackling noise they made. So it was only fair that when I turned to the witch lifestyle and practices that I would start to do all my magick with it. 

I still don't have any favourite crystals or herbs, which is a shame because crystals are so pretty and the herbs are so interesting, but there is not much I can do so far, I'm still a baby witch, maybe when I grow more into my own skin and my own magick I'll update this part.

I do have a favourite time of year and that surprisingly isn't Samhain, although I love to talk to the people that can't visit me any other day, and every one loves a good new year party, but no, my favourite time would have to be Beltane. 

I am a pagan witch, Hellenic to be more specific, the God I follow and am currently building an altar for is Apollo, the god of divination and the arts, the god of plague and health. No other God felt as appropriate to revere than him. 

Unlike most other witches I find nothing wrong with curses, hexes and jinxes. As long as the person that is on the other end truly deserves it and is truly evil. But I don't condone the use of animal blood.

I'm currently a beginner in tarot, doing free readings on my personal blog, so far I've gotten good feedback, both from friends and my followers. I have tried reading for my family but the answers I get are overwhelmingly confusing and contradictory, but I have been told that it's extremely difficult to read family.

My favorite tarot card is not the card that I get the most, it's The Star. It just gives this feeling of peace and calm to me, it makes me feel good to look at it. On the other hand, the one card that comes out every single time I'm doing a reading for myself is The Hanged man. 


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