Crystal Correspondences and Uses

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Crystals for Protection: 

Black Obsidian: General Protection 

Amethyst: Protection for travelers, both physical and metaphorical

Fire Agate: Protection from self-hate and self-doubt

Smokey Quartz: General Protection and Protection from fear

Fluorite: Protects from negative energies, spirits, illness and disorders

Jasper: Protects from confusion and unbalanced energies 

Black Tourmaline: Protects from negative energies

Labradorite: Protects the astral/spirit self

Crystals for Dreaming

Nightmares: Amethyst, Agate, Malachite, Lepidolite, Celestine, Tigers eye

Guidance: Azurite, Howlite, Danburite, Lepidolite, Celestite, Tigers eye, Scolecite

Insomnia: Amethyst, Howlite, Lepidolite, Scolecite

Vivid Dreaming: Malachite, Clear quartz

Dream Recall: Amethyst, Clear quartz, Lepidolite, Moldavite, Scolecite

Lucid Dreaming:  Danburite, Moldavite, Scolecite

Past Lives: Howlite

Crystals for Spirit Guides

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Crystals for Spirit Guides

Angelite, Selenite, Apophyllite, Celestite, or Kyanite 

Related Chakras: Third Eye and Throat 

Hold it and meditate.

Crystals for Mind Chatter

Amethyst, Selenite, or Sodalite

Related Chakras: Third Eye and Crown

Hold, carry it, or sleep with it under your pillow. 

Crystals for Meditation 

Amethyst, Golden Calcite, Kyanite, Clear Quartz, or Selenite 

Related Chakras: Third Eye and Crown

Simply hold it in your hand or press it against your forehead

Crystals for Memory

Pyrite, Clear Quartz, Rhodonite, or Fluorite 

Related Chakras: Third Eye and Crown

Carry when taking an exam or studying. 

Crystals for Peace

Rose Quartz, Amethyst, or Turquoise 

Carry or place on your altar 

Crystals for Loneliness 

Snowflake obsidian, Cobaltoan Calcite, Mookaite Jasper, Rose Quartz, or Rhodochrosite 

Related Chakras: Heart

Carry or wear as needed

Crystals for Nervousness 

Watermelon Tourmaline, Sapphire, or Amethyst 

Related Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart

Wear continuously or hold for 15-20 minutes until you feel relaxed

Wear continuously or hold for 15-20 minutes until you feel relaxed

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