Jungkook (Glow Up)

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Subjugation by ThatKpop_Gurl

It was an ordinary day when a young boy walking down the street. HE has big round glasses and braces with messy hair. He has bunny teeth shown when he smile. But he was not just that. Under all of those things was a handsome looking dude. 

As the young boy walk down the street to school, everyone looked at him. When he got to school everyone stop what they where doing and laugh at him. The young boy put his head down and ran inside the room and bump into someone. "Hey you okay?" someone ask him. The young boy got up and nodded and look up at the guy who look really handsome and much older than him. The young boy guess he was a senior. 

The older guy look at the young boy. He knew that the young boy was bullied by other just because of his look. "Come on" the older boy said and dragged him to a room where there was 5 more boys there all handsome in there own way.

"so whats your name?" the older guy said the young boy look up and speak shyly "J-Jungkook, Jeon JungKook" he said and look back down "I'm Jin, Kim SeokJin" the older said "Hey guys" Jin said and all the boys look up at him "Oh who is this?" a pink hair boy said and walk up to them "Jeon Jungkook" Jin said "can everyone come here and line up?" Jin said everyone did as they were told 

"This is Namjoon or RapMonster" Jin said putting his hand on the tall guy shoulder "Nice to meet you" Namjoon said "This is Yoongi or Suga" Jin said he said pointing at the mint hair boy "this is Hoseok or J-Hope" Jin said pointing at the guy with a long face "This is Jimin" he pointed at the pink hair boy who was talking before "This is V or TaeHyung" the guy was tall and had a rectangle smile on his face "Hi" he said and wave and so did Jungkook "and i'm Jin as you already know" Jin said and patted Jungkook on the back 

"You can hang with us for now" Jin said "But you need a makeover" Jin said and all the boys agree Jungkook was confused he already  like how he was but to be honest he does kinda need a make over


Few Minutes later

After they were done making the younger one make over they made him wear something more better than a wrinkle old uniform so after Jungkook put it on he came out of the closet and all the older boys look shock 

"wow you look soo much batter, now you can get any girl you want"  Taehyung said "I'm in love" said Jimin winking at the younger boy "now look" they gave him a mirror and to Jungkook surprise he look so much different 

"wow you look soo much batter, now you can get any girl you want"  Taehyung said "I'm in love" said Jimin winking at the younger boy "now look" they gave him a mirror and to Jungkook surprise he look so much different 

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"He look hot" Jin said and patted the younger back 

After a while the ball ring and they went to lunch All the student look at the 7 boys "wow who's the knew dude" a guy said "is the Jeon Jungkook?" a girl ask "i think so"her friend said they walk past the lunch room as the fan girls scream in delight some of them fainted "your so popular now" Suga said "SWAG" Suga said and wink


Hope you like this fan-fiction of Jungkook >Glow UP 

Wait for more and sorry for the late post i had writer block ^-^ MInhae....................

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