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What's up gangs! Lol readers. Sorry for not updating much on here. I'm going to write on here about 3-5 more pages and I'll be done on this image.
First off let's go with YoonMin my favorite ship.
You could see his face, such a delight if you may asked
Have you seen him? His name is printed on his chest!
Have you look at him? That gorgeous smile and sexy body.
That pink plump kissable lips. I want it! I need it! MINE!

I drooled as I watch him from a far. That ass is juicy and plump. I wish I can just...hold it! How would it feel in my hand? Wonderful of course!

He shall be my QUEEN!

(Sorry I'm writing a perv. One here. You'll see soon)

I walk out of my black Lamborghini and walked into the shop where my soon to be queen is. As I walked in I was greeted by a tall bored shoulder guy. He had a handsome face but my queen was nothing compare to him.
(Don't judge me they all look HOT/Fine as hell)

I greeted back and took a seat by the window. A waiter came towards me and ask for my order.
"I want that guy to take my order" I said coldly
Guy: I'm sorry but he is b-
"I want him. Now go and catch him for me" I said in a serious tone. He frowns and walk away with tears in his eyes.

Later my QUEEN came towards me. I couldn't hide my smile. "Hello what can I get for you?" He asked


Calm yourself Yoongi 😒

Shut up 🤬

"Hello?" He said. I snapped out of my daze and gave him my order. He nods and went to give my order to the chef.
After eating there I paid and went to my car and set there and wait for my queen to finish up working.
Finally, about a few minutes passed he got out of the place and starts walking off. Into an ally. I stop my car and see a guy older then he come up to my queen and starts touching him.

Anger. That's what I felt. Anger. I got out of the car and rush to help my baby boy. Before I could grab the pain he punched my queen in the stomach making him fall to the ground.

I quickly grab the guy and punch him until his face was busted. I heard a groan and my queen was on the floor in pain. I ran towards him and brought him to my arm.

I put him in the car and drive off to my place since I don't know where he lives. Finally, I got back to my home which was a big mansion. As I got in my friends ran up to me.

"oh who's that?" Jin asked. "out of my way, he's in pain. Jin helps him. He got injured.

Jin nodded and helps me take my queen to the bed. He checks him and thanks goodness my queen was fine.

I set on the bed and examine his feature. So gorgeous even up close. As I lean in he open his eyes. His eyes widen and he set up in shock and bump his head with mine. He rubbed his forehead and keeps saying sorry.

"its fine baby," I said and smiled at him
"b-baby?" the questions with a blush. I smirk and nodded.

"yes baby" I got on top of him and he looks shocked by my action. "W-what are you d-" before he could finish I kissed him. He melted in the kiss and kiss back I smirk and break the kiss making him whine.

"you are MINE Jiminie" I leaned back in and kissed him again.

Ooof this storyline was bad. Sorry, I hope you like it tho

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