k.th » him

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❝him. his smile. his eyes. his voice. his laugh. his warmth. his existence. him❞

pairing: bestfriend!taehyung x reader

warnings: vulgar language, bad comedy, sad shit

summary: why weren't you with him?

When did it happen..?

When did the tears started falling and the voices started rising? When did the heart start breaking and the feelings started cracking? When did the anger start mounting and the jealousy started ascending?

I'll tell you when it happened; when she first appeared.

Ah, that's right—her.

She, in your mind, was everything you weren't. Pretty, smart, athletic, friendly, and outgoing.

You weren't pretty, you barely passed tests, you hated sports, you were quiet so you didn't have many friends, and you weren't confident enough to be outgoing.

Maybe that's why he liked her. . . because you weren't good enough. Because you weren't her.

Ah, that's right—him.

Handsome, smart. . . ish, athletic (?), extremely kind, extroverted, and a sight to behold.

Not to mention, he's your best friend, Kim Taehyung. Or he used to be.

When she first appeared, it was love at first sight between the two. Lightning made of pure romance zapped in their gaze when their eyes met.

Soulmates would've been the word to describe what they were.

But everybody knew there weren't such things as soulmates. Yet, when they were together, everyone thought they were indeed fated to be paired. They looked so right when they stood side-to-side.

Cupid's arrow shot the two in all the perfect places, but Karma's arrow pierced you straight into your heart, breaking the little hope you had that your best friend would fall in love with you.

"You're doing that thing again," it was Jungkook's voice that brought you back into your broken reality.

You looked at him, the ever-so-handsome childish male you considered your younger brother.

"Doing what?" a raspy and broken voice replaced your usual tone, nearly making you cringe.

Jungkook sighed, "You're doing that thing where you compare yourself to Taehyung's girlfriend."

"No," you sniffled, "I'm not."

It was a pointless lie, and the two of you knew it.

A groan escaped Jungkook's lips. "Why is it that you can see the good in people but not your own self?"

"What good traits do I have?" you retorted. "I'm a below average human being that—"

"—is beautiful in every way I know," the male interrupted. "You may downgrade yourself, but you are the second most gorgeous girl in my life. My mom's number one, of course."

You pursed your lips. You didn't want to believe him, because you knew Jungkook would get a girlfriend one day, and he'd say these things to her.

Stupid international playboy.

"[Name]," Jungkook started. "In my eyes, you are smart because you try. In my eyes, you are athletic because you don't give up. In my eyes, you are kind because you can't ignore bad things. But in our eyes, you are [Name], and no one can replace you. . . ever."

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