m.yg » symphony (1)

657 30 5

❝and now your song is on repeat and I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat❞

pairing: musicteacher!yoongi x reader

warnings: language, bad comedy

summary: playing the piano is your passion. . . but you suck at it. so when your mom hires you a music tutor. . . :)

Your fingers hovered over the tiles of the grand piano, your foot resting at the pedals. With an exhale, you pressed onto the keys.

To your ears, the piece you were playing was absolute music, but to others. . . not so much.

"Hello, this is the police, what is your emergency?"

"Yeah, I think some of my neighbors have gone deaf..?"

"Do you know why?"

"Someone's playing the piano."

"Is it [Surname] [Name] again?"


"Captain Kim! This is the 1038th complaint of [Name] playing the piano! Alright, thank you for your time, we'll try to deal with this situation."

"Thank you..?"

Lol—I'm kidding. That never happened. At least, not yet.

Due to your terrific playing skills, your parents had to move the grand piano to the basement, later having to install soundproof walls.

Sometimes, if they were lucky, they could rest in silence without listening to you play.

Other times, they could practically hear you playing. Even the soundproof walls thought you suck—and they were soundproof.

When the piece you were playing finished, you let a happy smile make its way onto your face.

"I'm done."

Cue the silent cheering in the background coming from your family who had to listen to you play.

Well, more like you forced them to watch.

"Now onto the next piece."

R.I.P to the [Surname] family—

A loud gasp escaped your mother's lips before you could even start pressing the keys.

Everybody turned to look at her, some, meaning everyone but you, thankful she was stalling time.

"Mother?" you tilted your head innocently. "Is everything alright?"

"[Name]!" she dramatically called out, rushing to your side. "This piano is broken!"

"What?" your brows furrowed. "It's perfectly fine."

"Oh, no, no, no," your mother shook her head. "They're not. Namjoon, honey, come take a look."

She shot the male a glare. Boy, if you don't live up to your nickname God of Destruction—

Namjoon was immediately walking towards the two of you, trembling with fear. He looked around the piano, and everywhere he glanced, he broke what he could.

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