Chapter 4

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There it was. Standing in the door opening in front of a giant wall of flames. Nathan on the floor and Jessica so terrified she couldn't move. The shadowy figure was exactly the same as in Nathan's dream. The only difference was that there was no blood on his wings. The figure was slowly moving towards Jessica with heavy footsteps. It was that slow because it seemed to have some sort of armor on his shadowy body. When he reached Jessica he threw her against the wall and unsheathed his sword, Nathan slowly was becoming concious again and saw some ancient writing on the sword. He raised his blade and was prepared to stab Jessica through her heart. But at that moment Nathan rushed toward to shadow and slashed its arm, just under its wrist. The creature screeched and dropped its sword. Nathan had cut its tendons so he couldn't use his blade arm anymore. The creature leaped out of the window and disappeared into thin air. Jessica was looking at Nathan and then Nathan collapsed. Before the creature had left it had scratched Nathan on his chest with its claws. The world started turning around Nathan and he heard Jessica shout something he couldn't comprehend. When he woke up again he was shirtless in a room painted so white it almost seemed to glow. Every part of his body hurt. He could feel the exact place where the creature had scratched him. Then Jessica entered the room. "Jessica! What happened?", he asked. "We were attacked by the creature from the dream at your house, you made it go away but before it left it scratched you!" She replied. Nathan tried to get up but Jessica pushed him back down. "You need to rest.", she said. There was something comforting about her touch. Was it her soft skin? Or was it the light touch. Nathan felt his eyes getting heavier and then he fell asleep. When he woke up next morning Jessica was gone. When he looked at his watch he saw it was 7:45 am. It was almost time to be at school. He noticed that Jessica had left him a t-shirt. It was a normal sized black t-shirt that matched with his jeans. He soon realized he was at the Institute. It was lucky for him because the Institute was only 5 minutes away from school. The rest of the days were pretty quiet. On saturday Nathan went to hang out with the Shadowhunters like normal. When he arrived at the institute he noticed that the group of "Jake followers", as he liked to call them, were annoying Jessica. He went up to them and said: "Why won't you fight someone your own sizes!". After he said that he soon realized that was going to be him. Because basically all of the other boys were smaller than Jake, his friends and Nathan. Then Jake stepped out of the circle of friends and aproached Nathan. "So Nate, you are the only one of my size here, so I will go beat you up instead.", Jake said. Soon after that Jake rushed at Nathan with a seraph blade, surprising Nathan but just in time Nathan dodged his attack.

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