Chapter 3

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When he woke up the next morning Nathan was soaking wet of his sweat and was holding his seraph blade. He quickly hid it in the usual spot behind his desk and opened the curtains. It was very bright outside. It was already 10 am! He was late for school! If his parents found out they would kill him. Nathan took his bag and ran to school. By the time he got to school it was 11 am. He snuck onto the school grounds and went to the spot where he and his friends would usually hang out. Since it was the break he had some time to recover from the running. ''Nathan! Where have you been?'', they asked him. Nathan explained everything but left out one detail, his dream. When he went to history class and sat down he noticed Jessica was sitting next to him. He had never noticed her in his class before. He always was drawing in his notebook without paying attention. ''Hey Jess!'', he said. ''Hey Nathan!'', she responded with a smile. The rest of the class they were talking. Jessica asked him a question that shocked him. She had asked him if he had the same dream as she had last night. To Jessica's surprise it was exactly the same. Nathan asked her if she recognized the shadow or the person next to him in the dream. She didn't have time to recognize the person either. But now they were both sure it meant something.
After school they went to Nathan's home to theorize about the dream. They only came to the conclusion that it had to be a coincidence or a vision shown to us by the angel Raziel to attempt to prevent a certain thing of happening. It was already late and raining a lot so Nathan invited Jessica to stay the night. They were just talking when it happened. A loud bang from downstairs. It sounded as someone kicked the front door open. His parents weren't home that night so they couldn't go to them. The only option was to hide or to investigate. Then another bang followed, it was closer this time. Nathan noticed shadows under his bedroom door and ran to his desk to grab his seraph blade, but it was too late. The door burst open revealing flames. In front of them was the figure from the dream.

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