Chapter 16

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I start to yell.

"WHY WOULD YOU KILL HIM!? HE WAS A PERVERT BUT THAT IS NO REASON TO KILL SOMEONE!" As I let it all out his only reply was, "He owed me money anyway."

"Oh ok. Everything is fine now. He owed you money. So he needs to die." As my sarcasticness lets itself out I wanted to slap Ryker so hard because he can't seem to detect sarcasm!

"You see my point too. Great, now we can move on with our lives and go to that surprise I've got for you." Did he seriously just say that?

"NO! IT IS NOT OK! SOMEONE DIED IN YOUR SIGHTS! HOW COULD YOU NOT FEEL GUILT OVERCOME YOU!?" It must've hit a nerve because immediately after I saw his face I wanted to take everything I said back. All I wanted to do was kiss all his worries away. So that's exactly what I did.

I got on my tippy-toes and slowly kissed him with the love and passion I have for him. With every movement I felt our bond grow stronger. A new chapter in our fairytale book.

Completely forgetting about our previous conversation Ryker takes me to the car bridle style. Feeling like a princess I yelled out "Ryker my knight in shining armor!"

As Ryker lets out a chuckle I get all giddy inside knowing we're on our way to something fun.

As I'm put in the car I think about my future. It gets me thinking, am I apart of Ryker's future? So when Ryker starts up the car I speak up.

"Am I in your future?" I questioned with a very scared tone. What if he gets bored of me? What if he finds someone more prettier than me? As I still stare at Ryker waiting for an answer he turns his head at a red light. Giving me a loving look he smiles and spoke soothingly the words i've been waiting to hear.

"Cupcake, you are my future." His respond was what I was looking for even though I didn't know myself.

The nickname making my heart beat a million miles per hour, the smile melting my insides, the look on his face reassuring me that he'll never stop loving me, and his words bringing my dream to life.

Giving him a heartfelt smile back I reach over to the radio and turn it on. Thinking it was already set to my station I didn't bother to change it only to be disturbed by sad jazz music. I speedily change it to my jam.

With Meghan Trainer's Throwback Love playing I realize something I should've before.




OMG. My pumpkin loves jazz. Awwww, I love him even more somehow! Also I think I just found Ryker's new nickname. PUMPKIN! With that new accomplishment my head snaps to Ryker. Thinking something was wrong he looks at me worried. To assure him I'm ok I quickly start to blabber.

"Do you wanna know your nickname I've got for you?" A smile from Ryker lets me know he does.

"It's pumpkin because I think pumpkins are cute and something that just is out of this world, like you." As I finish I felt a smile creep onto my face as I saw a quick vision of my future with Ryker. Filled with kids running around and to be more specific, three of our kids. Roaming the halls of the big house, lost but astonished at the big world.

Looking through the windshield I notice traffic, a lot of traffic. Like nothing but traffic. Are we going to a concert or something? That would be fun, as long as I get to kiss Ryker. Just saying.

Gazing at Ryker I remember what he told me the next morning after our first date, "you never need to ask me to kiss you." Looking one more time outside to make sure we are at a complete stop I unbuckle my seatbelt and jump onto Ryker's lap only to smash my lips to his.

It's been too long, I almost forgot the feeling of Ryker's smooth tasty lips. I swear he puts chap-stick on just for these instances. I'm not complaining though, I love his delicious luscious lips.

Pulling back for breath I jump right into my seat again and buckle up because safety first. As my breathing finally calms down with Goosebumps from Meghan Trainer playing in the background, I glance over at Ryker. With a blush running up his cheeks and his uneven breath from the kiss, he looks over at me with love and excitement.

"That was honestly the best kiss ever! You need to do that more often! Like if I'm in my office just walk in, sit on my lap, and kiss the heavens out of me." Blushing in embarrassment I mumble a small I will and look out of the window. Surprised with the progress we made since the very dangerous but exciting kiss, I look out through the traffic, passed the horizon to see a... ferris wheel?

What has a ferris whe- cutting myself off as I realize with excitement that a couple miles away stands a fair. A fun-filled event I've always wanted to go to. Bubbling with alacrity, I bounce in my seat. With every bounce I feel myself wanting to just out and run towards my destination.

In love with the view I didn't notice us moving towards our destination. Closer and closer to the place I've dreamed of having most of my fairytales to be in.

A lot of my book have couples going in and out, both very happy. I think it's quite manifest I haven't been to a fair before. My parents did love me and made sure I had the time of my life, they just didn't bring me to a fair or carnival.

As we entered the parking I rolled my window down to be hit with the smell of manure. Gross but natural.

Once Ryker and I get out of the car we start to walk, holding hands as if together we would dominate. But if we ever parted, our kingdom would fall. Because a king without his queen will not grow happy and healthy.

"I love you pumpkin. I love you to Pluto and back." With a confused face Ryker looks at me and replies.

"To Pluto?" Oh great now I have to explain my smart self.

"Yeah because even though the moon is miles away Pluto is the farthest planet, so however many miles the moon is, times 100." Ryker picks me up and twirls me until I let out a loud giggle causing passer-byers to aw. Once Ryker sets me down he gives me a boyish grin and speaks.

"I love you cupcake. I love you to Pluto and back. Even your smart self." As he finishes with a chuckle and I try to punch him, we get in a line which makes me ecstatic.

"Tickets please." As the unenthusiastic man looks at me his face brightens. He looked at me the way I look at food. By this time Ryker has noticed the look the boy is giving me and tries to calm himself down before the boy gets... hurt.

It doesn't seem to be working well so I take charge.

Getting on my tippy-toes I whisper in Ryker's ear.

"Don't worry he doesn't change the way I feel about you. You're still my number one." As soon as I say that Ryker's body visibly relaxes and we go on to the tickets for the rides slash games.

Getting the tickets was easy because as soon as Ryker walked up the girl who's face was caked with makeup gave him 200 tickets and purred. Like does she think she's a cat. Because cats are sometimes cute when their not angry. But her, no, she's not cute at any time.

Quickly walking up to Ryker I make sure to kiss him in the lips so the girl who looks like a clown is now jelly.

Hmph. At least I've got myself a handsome man who loves me and free tickets.

"What would you like to do first?" As soon as he asked that question I set my eyes on a very fun ride. 

Pointing at it then pulling Ryker towards the ride had me smiling with eagerness.

With a hop and a skip We've made it to 10k! I'm so proud because this book was just meant for myself to feel accomplished by doing what I love. Without you guys I'm nothing but a wanna be writer. So thanks to those who put my book in their reading list. Thanks to the ones who vote and comment. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Whalleeeeeeeee byeeeeeeeeeee!

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