Someone Important. And it's not you.

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Third Person's POV,

"You're leaving again?" Taehyung suddenly said when he notice that Jungkook is all dress up.

"You don't care" Jungkook said as he roll his eyes while fixing his necktie.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung ask. He just want to know where his oh-so-called-husband is going. After all, Jungkook is still his husband.

"As I told you, YOU.DON'T.CARE. But if you don't shut your fucking mouth, fine! I'll go to see someone important. Which is not you" Jungkook said with a smirk. He doesn't want to argue anymore with Taehyung so he just leave slamming the door loudly.

"Going to Jimin right?" Taehyung whisper as he watch Jungkook go away.

Taehyung smiled like as if he's okay. As if he is fine. As if he doesn't care.

But the truth is he cared. He love Jungkook so much. He wish Jungkook's memories comeback. He wish the Jungkook he use to know comeback.

The sweet Jungkook.

The caring Jungkook.

The Jungkook who only care for him.

The Jungkook who promised him that he'll never leave.

The Jungkook who'll do anything for him.

Especially, the Jungkook who loved him.

Taehyung wiped his tears.

"I need to be strong. For him... Even just for him" Taehyung said hugging his knees.

Taehyung's phone ring.

["Hello Tae?"]

"Hi Hoseok hyung"

["Tae? Are you crying? Again?"]

"No hyung"

["I'm going there... By the way, is that devil Jungkook there?"]

"He just left hyung. Obviously going to Jimin again"

["Ok, I'm going"]

"NO HYUNG!" Taehyung shouted to his phone but Hoseok already hung up.

He know that even though he tell Hoseok not to come. He will still come.

After 30 minutes, Hoseok came with strawberry ice cream. Hoseok know that this is Taehyung's favorite.

"Here Tae, I brought strawberry ice cream!" Hoseok happily said.

Taehyung's mood brighten up as he hear Hoseok.

Taehyung stand up not minding the pain Jungkook give when Jungkook punch him in the stomach in the morning.

Yes, you read it right. Jungkook is not just emotionally hurting Taehyung. He's also physically hurting him.

Punching Taehyung whenever he want is already normal to Jungkook.

"Tae, here" Hoseok said as he give a bowl of ice cream to Taehyung.

"Thanks hyung" Taehyung said with a smile.

Hoseok smiled back. He sit next to Taehyung.

He watch Taehyung happily eating the strawberry ice cream.

"Tae?" Hoseok said.

Taehyung hummed in response.

"Don't you have plans to leave Jungkook?" Hoseok said.

Taehyung stop from eating and look at Hoseok.

"No hyung" Tae answered then he eat again.

"Tae wake up! He doesn't love you anymore! What's hard to understand with that?! Can't you see? He is not the Jungkook you use to know! How long will you wait? Huh? The doctor already said that it's impossible for him to get back his memories. It's already a miracle if he did! Why don't you just---" Hoseok was cut off by the crying Taehyung.

"Stop it hyung! Please! Just stop! I know Jungkook will remember. I know Jungkook still love me!" Taehyung shouted. He was shock by what his Hyung said.

Hoseok was also shock to what he said. he just can't help it. He know that Jungkook is hurting Taehyung.

Hoseok thought, he's now the only one caring for Taehyung. He's the one who take care and show love to him. But why does Taehyung can't love him back?

"No Tae! And even when he lost his memory. He should've still love you. Cause the mind forget but the heart didn't." Hoseok said louder now.

Taehyung was hit by what Hoseok said. He has a point.

Taehyung doesn't really know what happen in the hospital. When he got a call that Jungkook already wake up. He immediately went to the hospital to meet his boyfriend but he was welcomed by Jimin and Jungkook saying that they're together.

(I'm too lazy to explain what happen so here's a short cut😂)

Jungkook said that Jimin told him that they're the one in a relationship. Jimin said they love each other even before the accident. And Jungkook believed. Jungkook believe with all Jimin's lies.

Jungkook doesn't know the truth. He was fooled by Jimin.

Jimin already bad mouth Taehyung to Jungkook that's why Jungkook is angry to Taehyung especially now that they're arrange married.

He hate Taehyung more than anything else.


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