Vampires, deals, and unwanted memberships.

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Fen was still smiling broadly when the Vampires entered the room, the three of them smiling a and faintly smelling of desperation. Based on the sounds coming from the other room, I could understand their desperation to avoid a dozen hyper-excited wolves. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don't know which, the room stayed mostly empty; just me, Fen, and the Vampires. A large part of me wanted to dash out of the room, but my instincts had taken control and I was relegated to the back seat in my own head. I had no clue where the other person currently controlling my body had come from, but I was fairly certain I didn't like the experience of having no control of my actions. Against my will, my body stayed in his arms, even beginning to purr.

The vampires sat at the table exchanging small talk with Fen and cracking jokes with each other now and then. My eyes kept flickering between the boy and the rest of the room, he being the main danger I could sense. I could feel him trying to root around in my head again, but it wasn't reaching me; he got stuck in the mainly empty void that was the other person. I was all at once grateful for them, all the while wishing they would deal some damage to Fen to wipe the dopey smile off his face. Then the talking started. "Fen, we need to hunt. Yes, I know, humans can't know about us or you, and you will kill us if we break any of the rules for any reason, but we still need to talk." He leaned back in his chair slightly, sighing. Fen leaned forward, his smile barely fading as he showed he was paying attention.

"Fen, we cant keep feeding on the druggies and homeless folk. I know that was our deal, but we can't keep doing it. We physically can't. Their blood is too full of impurities, unnatural chemicals, and goodness knows what else. Our bodies barely avoid rejecting it. Val got sick last week. Sick. Vampires don't get sick, Fen, it's not something our bodies are meant to be able to do." Fen's face grew troubled, his eyes glazing slightly in concentrated thought. He glanced up again when the man started speaking. "Fen, I know it hurts, but we have to feed. Unless you can think of a way for us to avoid human blood, we have to start taking healthy people."

Fen looked conflicted for a moment before he winced, looking at his left arm as he raised it to the table. He slowly rolled up his sleeve before turning back to the Vampires, but they were already shaking their heads. "You know that won't work. First off, it would weaken you, and secondly, it would be worse for us than what we have now. You know your blood is a poison for us, we were designed to be your opposites. You couldn't taste my blood without growing violently ill, and the same goes for us." Fen gritted his teeth, grunting as he lowered his arm. "Well then, Melbourne, surely you have an idea? If it can't be one of us, who do you suggest? My niece? Like he-" he cut off as I growled, sinking my claws into his legs. I didn't like it when people swore.

His wince was noticed by the Vampires and they shared a knowing glance. There was so much humor in the look that I purred in satisfaction. Luckily, the person controlling my body agreed with me, and so my body actually purred at the sight. They glanced down at me as they started talking again. "Fen, she's a little girl. We couldn't-" he shook his head slightly, a chill visibly going down his spine, "Wouldn't feed on her if she was the only human on earth. She's part witch besides. No, the only one here we could feed on is the were in your lap." My body tensed, the purring died, and my eyes whipped coldly to Mel's face. I was developing the belief I was dreaming, I couldn't control my body, there were vampires in the room, and I was a female cat. It had to be a dream. Right?

The man spoke up, and both Mel and Val looked at him in surprise. "The cat is hiding, she's good at it. What's her name?" I wanted them to know my name, really wanted them to call me by my own name, but he apparently couldn't hear my thoughts anymore. I wondered if it was because of the person controlling me. "Well, we don't know. Jen started calling her Mulan, but she doesn't exactly like when I call her that." Said Fen. I began purring at the sound of his voice, the action deeply against my personal will. He glanced down in confused happiness. "At least, she didn't. I don't know what's come over her." I didn't like it when he called me anything, not that I had a choice, but I desperately wanted to hurt him somehow. Whoever was controlling me was ruining all my hard work at rejecting the idiot!

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