Finale (the second one. ;3)

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Life was going. I had been accepted into Cass's odd family dynamic fairly easily, if not without a few hiccups. First off, I was a guy. I refused to be called her, or she, or even them. I was a guy, through and through. No one would change that. Second was my relationship to Cassia. We grew closer, our bond only growing stronger. It got to the point where we could tell what the other was feeling. Raena said that it had progressed so far because my body was screaming out for a link of some kind. It appeared that once a were felt what a link was like, their body stopped being able to handle life without it. It grew sensitive, more vulnerable, and invariably they grew more submissive. Some long term cases had found that if left alone long enough, even an alpha with the bond forcibly removed would become more submissive than an omega.

Lunas were rare and valuable, so no experiments had been done on them, but it was assumed they weren't any different.

Speaking of Raena, our relationship began the day I met Cassia, but it quickly developed into something more... acquaintance style than true friendship. At least at first. The second day I was there, I woke up to her measuring every part of me. The next I woke up with a stinging paw, and her holding a vial of my blood. The third day after she'd healed me, I woke up hanging from a series of ropes above a steaming, boiling, glowing green fluid inside an enormous cauldron. Or... I thought it was enormous. It was fairly normal sized, for a cauldron, but I was a small, grey, tabby cat. I had little reference for size, or care for it for that matter. I had screeched and yowled so loudly she had come running and helped me down. Turns out she wasn't going to dump me in, she was simply catching my 'essence' or something.

It was after she explained the fact that I could change into a wildcat of some kind, usually larger than a house-cat, that our friendship truly began. Especially because of why I applied it. See, I'd chosen to walk with cassia to and from school, enjoying her company and knowing she enjoyed mine. One day, though, she came out crying. When I sent her my confusion, she explained that certain kids were getting crueler and more clever in their cruelty. Of course, she was too much of an angel to hurt them with magic- not like draconian law forbade the use of magic against mortals or anything; nope, entirely the goodness of her heart- but I was her helpful little devil.

So, without her knowing, I followed her inside the building one day. I won't say exactly what went down, but let's just say they didn't bother her again and the school called animal control on a runaway tiger. Of course, they only found an innocent little tabby cat, no tigers, and the tabby even had a collar. They returned that little innocent little tabby to Cassia's house within the hour. I wasn't allowed to visit the school with her for a month; no clue why. I deny having anything to do with the tiger incident. I'm a tabby, not a tiger, see? You can fit me in your arms. Of course, they were less than impressed with that explanation. But hey, I'm an angel, and you have no evidence. Can't prove anything.

Though bobbies head, I must say, tasted extremely delicious. If she hadn't been screaming I would have licked her a few more times before letting her pull her head out of my mouth.

Not that I ever did something like that. Totally a though I had, nothing more.

Me and Raena only got closer after she blew up the attic. I also deny having been her accomplice. She claims I messed up one of her experiments, but you can't believe anything she says about me. Unless it's about the tuna. Because yes, I ate all the tuna. That was my bad. But it's so addicting. Anyways, she blew that up, so she moved to the basement, teaching Cassia becoming a side-job. One day, I snuck down there and watched her work, she mixed a dozen ingredients in a potion, muttering all the while, as her fairy helpers floated lazily in a large circle around the rim of the cauldron. I moved to higher ground to get a better view and accidentally knocked over a bottle. She whipped around at the sound, noticing me and the now rolling bottle at the same time. Her muttering increased in fervor as sh rushed to catch the bottle, only too late realizing it had tipped a few drops of some kind of glowing liquid into the cauldron. She froze in horror. Then the bottle fell in.

You know, I can't help but feel as though it was my fault what happened next happened. A very, very large, very, very loud, very, very magical explosion happened. When I could recognize existence as a thing again, and was able to think, I began wondering why I wasn't dead. When I could feel my body again, I tried to stand up. What I found was that I was very small, still tabby cat sized, but I was also very, very, uncomfortably, scaly. Glaring at my paws, claws now, I hissed and looked around for Amber. Whatever that little witch had done, I wanted my kitty form back. I had just gotten used to the thing! When I found her, I found myself glaring at a dizzy, confused, barely conscious cat sized dragon. She was a deep, vibrant green, while I retained my silvery-grey color scheme. Leaned down, and deliberately licked her face.

She sat straight up, desperately rubbing her arms across her face to remove my saliva. I simply watched, waiting and grooming myself slightly, as she tried in vain to use her fingers to brush the liquid off. Then she saw the claws. She glanced behind, below, and around her and saw her body, and the state of the lab. In an explosive twist of fate, she'd become the very thing she wanted. She began prancing around, leaping about like toothless when he tried to play with Astrid's Stormfly.she was almost adorable. I tripped her. She glanced at me in confusion after picking herself off the ground, making a strange growling noise as she tried to speak. I have her a flat look, then used my claws to gesture to my obviously not-a-cat body.

She made an 'oh' face. Then she managed to fix us. She had her dragon form, and now I had a cat, a tiger, and a dragon in my head. I was a regular one man zoo. Try and guess how pleased I was.

I decided to tell them about how I'd become what I was, and my misadventures up to this point. So I told them the whole story. At the end of the story, Raena said she had something she had to check up on. When she came back, she had Fen by the ear, sobbing, with bruises up and down his arms and face. I had never been more happy since being reunited with cassia, but this was a close, close, very, very close second. Unfortunately, I also felt conflicted. He'd let me go, and he hadn't been around me recently. I didn't know if he deserved his punishment or not. "What the He-" I hissed, and he froze. Apparently he had earned his bruises. He stared at me, his pain forgotten. "Shade? What're you doing here? Is..." he glanced at cassia, whose lap I was on, and he tilted his head in understanding. "Is this your girlfriend? I thought you were just upset. Dear Luna, I'm so, so sorry. I must've been... I..." he shivered, and Raena let him go. "Wow, didn't even have to hit you again. Maybe you do deserve a Lina. She might be able to actually train you.

He barely looked at her, simply nodding. "I hope I find someone. I... geez I'm sorry." I inclined my head slightly, and he straightened, nodding before he turned to leave. Raena got a grin on her face, a cruel expression full of evil, malice, and mischievous intent, the outcome of which would likely bring such agonizing pain to the receiver of her attentions, that even the devil himself would feel pity. I looked at Fen, knowing he could be the only target of her horrific unholy curse. I nodded, before going back to my grooming. Oh, he'd be fine. It's not like she would change him into a fish or anything.

I later learned that she had turned him into a merman, had tricked him and another merman into falling in Love, and then pulled Fen back out of the water. The love-birds were consulting other witches to see if there was any way to get them back together.

I had been more accurate than I'd thought.

I was proud of that.

And so I finally had a home. That's when Amber showed up and kept her promise. That turned out real fun. I was all like: SCREW ME!!!

(A/N) Hey Guys! Shorter chapter! All the funnies! Yeet! As usual, any questions, concerns, comments, or anything else(!), please make 'em. I love hearing from you guys. :3

Till next time, Sept Mates!

Your Poet and Scribe,

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