Waking up is the worst thing ever.

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(A/N) Hey Guys. This chapter hoes by FAST. I mean, I could separate it into longer, more detailed chapters, but I have other stories to write Max so prepare for a CRAP TON of rushed plot. :3

Waking up sucks. It really, really sucks. This is a fact, no matter who or where you are. Waking up sucks. Simple. You could wake up from a dream into reality and realize just how much your life is crap. You could wake up from a nightmare into reality and realize: this is so much worse than that dream. You could wake up and realize you aren't in what you have begun to call your room, you can feel a warm body pressed skin to skin against you, and you can feel way too much of you. That's what I woke up too. Of-course, I was so terrified I let my other self take over. She, of-course, shifted, turning me into a cat once more before slinking off to sleep in the back of my head again. When o threw my confused anger and panic at her, she gave me a mental glare so strong it made me shiver. Which, of course, woke the unclothed thirty something demon sleeping next to me. I felt him move and immediately lashed out from under the covers, biting his thigh. He jerk out of bed, falling onto the floor with a shout of pain. I hissed at him, grateful to once again be able to express my hatred.

He groaned from the floor, gripping the bloody mark on his thigh. "I thought we were past that after yesterday." He said. Only he didn't say it. It was in my head. My eyes widened as my pupils dilated, and suddenly, what I had thought was just a ringing in my ears became a crashing assault of noise. I almost managed to panic and run through the house again, but Aiden dashed in with Jen, furiously signing at Fen. I tried to dash past them, yowling in fear and pain, but Jen caught me, cooing and whispering calming words of assurance in my ears, or as close as she could get. My claws were firmly tucked away, but I was writhing in pain, every coherent thought obliterated by the enormous... ness-ness of sensations. Needed to get away, escape the mind numbing pain and hide.

Suddenly it was quiet, and I could see straight again.  There was only me and me in my head, blessed silence reigning between me and the rest of the world. I looked around, panting as my body shivered uncontrollably from the shock. We were in the fairy house, the garden on the roof. I now knew where I would be living for the next rest of my life. Then cassia interrupted my thoughts. Cassia needed me, and I needed her. I had to get to her, and that couldn't happen from in the green house. So I waited until Jen set me down, her voice explaining about the flowers and plants, then I dashed after our scents, following them to the exit. I threw myself downstairs as Jen chased me, holding onto one thought to ignore the cacophony; Cassia.

I wasn't overwhelmed like before, it was like shouting made it easier to ignore everyone else's shouting, and I made it to the back door, which I found open. I ran outside, ignoring the trembling in my legs as I faintly heard a voice tell me not to run. I had a mission, and it wasn't over yet. I ran, my body returning to its habits, and I flew through the forest, checking the moss with an almost unconscious amount of effort. The wolves were chasing me, not by smell, but by thought, but I couldn't stop. If I stopped thinking of her I'd be overwhelmed again. Even the thought of all the pain from that cacophony was enough to make me screech in fear, and I projected the pain of felt, pushing it away. I heard a few of the wolves stumble, probably noticing just how loud everything was for the first time, but I ignored it. My focus was on cassia.

I kept running, even after my lungs began burning, pushing myself to throw myself headlong down hills and across streams, finally making it to a road. I thought twice and ran along the road this time, my heart thudding painfully as I did so. I had run past San Antonio, I was south of it now, and both me and the wolves were almost unable to keep going. It was sunset, compared to the early morning it had been, and I was exhausted. And so, I threw myself clumsily up a tree, planning to sleep there over night. I knew that Fen wouldn't be rested enough to throw a rock at me this time. The wolves surrounded the tree, and I watched in tired contempt. Why couldn't they just leave me be? I shoved my thoughts down, keeping my head quiet through sheer force of will. It didn't last long, though, my exhaustion claiming my before letting me escape the horrible pain and slip into blissful sleep. For a few hours. Then I felt excruciating pain in my head, as though a headache were trying to physically pull my skull apart.

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