Chapter 4

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Announcer: We are back! Let's see what's going on in 2 round!

Slamacow pov.

I'm getting ready for 2 round. In this time I'm a determined! We are ready! We are ready for fight with.... Sheep?!
I keep my laugh in throat... Because of sheep!

Dave: I knew that those sheep are strange!
Bart: Urgg Dave please...
Me: ... Pffff that would be easy!
Dave: Are you sure?
Me: Yep!

[7 seconds later]

Me: Whoa!

I fall down and don't know what was that and how...

Dave: ...
Bart: Are you okay?
Me: ...

Then Dave shove off a sheep and another sheep just fall... Bart and Dave look at each other... And we win.

Starla pov.

We are ready! We are- wait... Chicken?!! No I'm serious there's chicken...

We all: ...
Starla: I have a serious question.... How they win in 1 round?!
Norman: I don't even know...
Mike: ...
Skelton: Alright, alright guys I know that's a bit stupid but I can shove those chickens!
Mike: Sure?
Skelton: I am! Don't worry my dear friend!

Then Skelton try's catch some chickens.  I don't know why but... It's funny. We all try to keep our laugh.

Skelton: Hey don't laugh at- *falls down* ouch...
Mike: *laughing*
Norman: Uh haha... What was that...?
Me: *face palm*

And all chicken fly down to Skelton...

Announcer: Winners!

I don't know what was that... But that was stupid... We win that stupid round... But I still remember.... him.

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