To Ella...

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This chapter is about... a little something back in highschool... or was it in elementary? I can't tell them apart anymore. But this is about that time, specially, about a friend I had as classmate in Grade 1.

  Now, I didn't want to bore you with the school stuff (but it's actually interesting specially about Math) so I will focus on the main events of this story.

  So let's name her as "Ella" for reasons such as I don't want to use her real name without her permission. So Ella's a girl, yes, I suppose you already deduced that in the start of this paragraph.

  Ella was my seatmate when I was in the eighth grade. She was funny and she likes music like me. I never knew we would be classmates again but there we were, seatmates, in a 2 by 2 row in the back of the classroom. We kept talking about the pop stuff, jokes and about music that I never knew that I would actually like. We would be found talking together like we were very very old friends. We had so much in common... Then it comes to the time that something weird began.


  You see, if you don't know, high school is kinda a good time to get into a... a "relationship". So it's the time of one's life to look for a boyfriend and girlfriend and the time to "ship" people like they do to fictional characters... Or so I think they say it was. I'm a boy but I don't really have a plan to have a girlfriend... Not yet anyway. Highschool is a weird time of your life, Johnny boy.

  Well, one of many.

  So there's this one time, in the Intramurals, you know, a sports event thingy, when we were all energetic and very ready to go play basketball, volleyball, softball and baseball all at once. I'm not kidding. Then there's Ella, she was a bit under the weather lately. She sat on one of the benches by the walkway and she was shivering. We were all jumping and happy but she's quite and shaking of the cold. She was probably sick because she was absent the day after. I took pity on her. I was holding up our batch's flag that time and I have no jacket or anything warm to give her so I did the most embarrassing thing I did yet.

  I know right? I'm the dumbest person in the world. Why did I even do that?!

  I covered her with the flag. Like an idiot, I covered her with the Grade Eight flag like it was a makeshift blanket. The words, "Sophomore" was on her back. Then I began to felt awkward because her friends were there and I, the walking idiot, just gave Ella our flag. It was quite symbolic but I had to admit, it's very dumb. I pretended that I needed to be somewhere else but before I left, I noticed that someone must've taken a photo of that scene. But I dismissed it, along with the fact that they may be talking about me and that idiotic stuff that I did for while...

  And now, I think the whole batch, I mean, the whole batch of grade eight, ships us. Like we were meant for each other. They didn't tell us about that (or at least they didn't tell me) but with the powers of deduction, I found it out discretely. Even M was part of them. They probably gossiped about it too.

  How did I find out?

  Well, at the end of the school year, the whole class has this video thingy about the main events we gone through. That includes Family Day, Christmas Party, Intramurals, and many more. But at the end of the video, a picture showed up. It was encased in a heart shape and the outside was in a red gradient. In the picture was me and Ella. We were both smiling in the photo that was inside a heart shaped frame! The picture says it all!

  The class teased with "Eeeeeeeeeeeeee" that really suggests that we seemed to be a couple or something. Yeah, "Eeeeeeeeeeeee" is exactly what I heard when our picture showed up.

  I felt embarrassed and I remember my ears warming up. I asked aloud who edited the video. No one answered –they were laughing and giggling. I asked again and, because Ella's my seatmate, she answered. She told me that she was the one behind the editing. She put the heart frame on us! So I don't know what was going on! Was she approving the idea of us being us?!

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