Dennis Had A Plan

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This here is Dennis

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This here is Dennis. And Dennis had a plan.

Dennis is regular elementary kid, having his birthday just a few days before Christmas. That fact means that his parents would give him parents twice in December. No, they haven't given him a gift in December 25 and told him that it was his gift for his birthday and for Christmas. No. That never happened. The presents were always separated in these two occasions. And that's not all. His parents would always give him presents that he wants, even if it was expensive. This is one of the perks of being the only child in the family and Dennis loved it. But as the years roll by, Dennis started to learn stuff about electric bills, taxes, poverty, and even about the money his country owes to the other country in the west called America. It's... Something would inevitably encounter in their lives so it was pretty normal. But that got Dennis thinking.

Why in the whole wide world was his parents still giving him expensive gifts? They could have donating money to charity or something. In fact, he did the Maths and found that the total cost of twenty of his toys could literally pay 0.01% of the money his country owed to America. So why wasn't his parents doing that? Now, Dennis was a subtle kid. He doesn't like to say things in a straight way and would often beat around the bush even if his query was as simple as "please open this jar of pickles". And so, last year, when his parents asked him what would he want for his birthday AND for Christmas, Dennis said he didn't want any, hoping the two would get some kind of message. The adults, being adults, laughed it off, saying that their kid is just being a kid and was probably beating around the bush to ask for another foot-tall Transformer like the previous year. And that's what he got that year. Two foot-tall massive bots. It seems that his initial plan didn't work. But... Dennis had a new plan for this year's December.

For an entire year, for every second... He would act as the worst kid no parent could ever tolerate. He would yell, he would bite, he would knock over cupboards, he would mess the wardrobe, and he would even switch the channel even his father was watching a game of football. He became the naughtiest sixth grader in the universe that Santa had to make a separate list of Naughty Children just for him. This was his plan. To be the very horrid kid there is. To be the least deserving kid to receive any present. He lost his friends, the school's scholarship for highschool, and even the possibility of being a football player just like he dreamed. He threw it all out just to say something to his parents. Then... when December came...

He received presents in his birthday...
And as well on Christmas day...
His parents didn't get it.

He sits by the windowsill in his room on the 9th floor of the hotel his parents rented for Christmas. He doesn't care how anyone would've strung Christmas lights up at this height. He just stares down at the traffic bellow, wondering why was his parents wasting money on him and not helping the world who deserves more than he, who had been very very horrible all year. He then realised that the window can be slid open... looks like his parents doesn't need to waste money on him anymore...

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