A Lair For A Dragon

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    It was time for the bronze dragon to mark his territory, his home, his abode. The only problem he has was that he haven't found a place yet nor have the requirements for a dragon to call it his own. He would first need a cave, a source of warmth, running water, a source of food and mounds upon mounds of gold and valuable items. The first three were easy. He would need to uncover a cave, dig as close to a pool of lava, while creating a river for the water that runs underground. But the next two are more difficult to accomplish: a source of food and mounds of gold. There was an easy option though. All he had to do was search and follow humans into their kingdoms.

    After following a group of scared children into the walls of their fort, the bronze dragon flew around, surveying this potential new home. It was a kingdom of farms and plains, perfect for herding sheep and other kinds of cattle. The dragon was relieved to learn that the food source requirement was not going to be a problem in this land. The king of the kingdom has sent out a request to the dragon for them to peacefully converse with him. The bronze dragon, being one of the kinder fire drakes that can fly, agreed to talk with him outside by the bridge over the moat. The king of the kingdom, "Aphelisia", went out with some of his best men several feet behind in case anything goes wrong. The dragon and the king discussed about what the fire breathing lizard wants and about the kingdom being a suitable place to turn into a lair. The king asked the dragon if it can be someplace else for he and his subjects would not have any home if it were destroyed and turned into his lair. The dragon understood but asked if they know another place where he can make his territory.  The king pointed north-west and explained that a kingdom called, Ore Terradon by the foot of a mountain can be a viable spot. The dragon swiftly left and headed in that direction.

    Upon reaching the kingdom of Our Terradon, he followed a group of miners who had abandoned their cart full of minerals and scurried off into the walls. It was a mining kingdom and looking at the cart that they left, it was clear that the requirement for mounds of gold and other valuable materials wasn't going to be a problem in this land. Panicked, the king of Ore Terrain sent out a request to the dragon for them to talk. The bronze dragon, being one of the kinder fire drakes that can fly, agreed. They met up in the barren area by the mines as discussed in the request. The king and the dragon discussed about what he wants and about the kingdom being a suitable place for a lair. The king, getting even more panicked, asked if the dragon can make his home somewhere else for he and his subjects will have no home after the dragon destroys it and make it as his territory. The dragon understood and asked if they know where he can go. The king pointed at south east and said that the kingdom of Aphelisia may be a viable option. The dragon told him that he already went there and received the same answer with no resolution. The king, thinking for a while, called for the messaging hawk and wrote a message to the king of Aphelisia for them to meet in between their kingdoms and discuss about the dragon's problem. He sent out the hawk and rode on his horse to Aphelisia with a few of his best men, telling the bronze dragon that he plans to talk with the other king about this conundrum. The dragon, thinking that it was progress, understood and followed him to meet with the other king.

    The king of Aphelisia met with the king of Ore Terradon in between their territories with their own best men following behind. They greeted each other then began talking about the dragon's query. The two kings had chatted for a while, opening maps, fishing out books from their bags, and arranging a makeshift table for them to have a proper conversation on. Their best men, deducing that their conversation is going to take a while, has set up tents and even cooked food to prepare their supper as it was getting dark. All this was happening as the bronze dragon simply watches these humans talk and talk. Then finally, when the torches were already needed for light, the two kings has decided that there was indeed a place on the map were the dragon can find all the necessary requirements for his lair. They pointed westward, telling the fire drake that there was a huge farm of a wealthy man by the name of Finn McFjord. The farm was so huge and full of animals that fold source would not be a problem and the McFjord family has stashed their huge fortune under their mansion and so the requirement for mounds of gold and other valuable materials would not be a problem. It was a wonder why the McFjord family haven't started a kingdom of their own. The bronze dragon, already pissed, tired and impatient that it has taken this long for him to find a suitable place for his lair, left and flew to the direction the two kings has told him. One thing that they forget to mention was that the McFord family's place was very far from where they were.

    The bronze dragon flew westward through the night, trusting on what he was told. And by the first light of a new day, he has arrived at the McFord family's residence. It was just as what the two kings has described. The land was very wide and very full of animals and their mansion, where the gold was kept, was equally huge compared to regular mansions. He followed a old looking man, who was probably looking after his foxes while collecting potatoes, run into the mansion, obviously scared of the dragon who came without warning. The old man made a request to the dragon for them to talk peacefully. The dragon, already too tired and impatient, wasn't able to receive the request and started to transform the entire landscape. He unleashed his flames on the soil and demolished the huge manor. It took him a few seconds more than expected to get rid of the building for it was bigger than he initially thought but when he had finally uncovered it, he saw a vault of gold buried underneath. The dragon pleased with his discovery, started to dig the hole bigger too a more proper size for a bronze dragon. It took hours more than expected for he was already tired when he arrived but when he was finally done, he settled in his lair upon his pillows upon pillows of gold and slept comfortably in his new lair like he hasn't slept in a millennia.

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