she wont to fuck again!!!!

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Cupcakes pov

And saw Kitty and foxy fucking each other.

Kittys pov

Kitty: fuck me daddy~❤

Foxy: hard,soft,fast,or slow

Kitty: [moaning] h-h-hareder and f-f-faster.

Foxy: [smiling] your wish is my call command.

Foxys pov

Why do i have the feeling that someone is woching us. I looked over at the curtain and see the new girl watching us cupcake.

Foxy: hey cupcake do you wont to join.

She quickly close the curtains and walks away.

Cupcakes pov

I cant believe he saw me. To bonnies room i go.

She knocks on the door.

Cupcake: can i come in

Bonnie: [in a sexy voice]. yea sure.

I walk in his room to find him in nothing but boxers. I climed on top of him.

Cupcake: im horny.

Bonnie: what do you want me to do about it?

Cupcake: [sexy voice]. Fuck me like i have never been fucked befor.

Bonnie: i thought you would never ask.

He grads my wast and ruds my wet pussy on his hard dick. I moaned a little. He untied my crop top and pulled it over my head.

Ok guys can you guess what is going to happen in the next chapter. Cupcake out byeeeeee

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