Ch.8 Cedric Will Never Be Satisfied

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A/N: Now I know what you're thinking. But I swear this chapter isn't horrible! and Cedric is super out of character so yeah. (Also video is by szin on YouTube b/c I LOVE HER WORK!)

Harry wouldn't stop teasing Ron until he fell asleep in their dormitory.

"So?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows. "Hermione, huh?" he said. "What?" Ron asked, walking towards his bed. "Don't act ignorant. We both know what I'm talking about." Ron decided he would just try and ignore Harry as he got into bed. "I see the Ronmione ship has set sail." Harry said as he continued to pester Ron about his love life.

See, he sees it, Dumbledore sees it, heck even Filch sees it! Why can't you admit you have a crush?! His subconscious was also relentlessly teasing him.

Shut up!

"Shut up." Ron said again, but now out loud, as he mumbled sleepily into his pillows. "All," Harry paused for emphasis, "tangled up, I hear."

"I tripped over her."

"Mhm." Harry said, winking, "I'll quote you on that when you ask her out to the Yule Ball next week."

Ron shot up from his bed in surprise "How did you-" he said and then cut himself off, "Um, of course not." he finished awkwardly, sinking back into his bed.

"How did I know?" Harry said, "How could I not know?" he finished laughing. Ron heard Neville trying to muffle his laughter into his pillow, and turned to look at him. Neville duly tried to pretend he was asleep, and emitted a loud snore for effect. Ron looked back to Harry, confused. "Even Neville notices it." Harry said, grinning. "Neville."

Ron sighed. "Bloody hell." he mumbled, turning over in his bed to fall asleep.

Harry grinned and closed his eyes.

Ron sleepily opened his eyes against the morning sunlight filtering into the room.

He rubbed his eyes, and tried to push his messy red hair out of his face, and looked up at the window. Then he had the sudden scare of someone who thought that it was a weekday, then realizes it's a weekend.


That means, he thought, counting on his fingers, The O.W.L.s will be this Monday....

He groaned, faceplanting in his pillow, thinking of the weekend of long studying awaiting him.


At least the Yule Ball will be on Friday. That will be nice.

He sighed, eying the pile of textbooks, sitting by his bed.

He looked around (at how lucky we are to be alive right now finished his Hamilton-addicted brain), and saw he was going to be the last one out of bed in the dormitory.

The rest were probably getting a head-start on studying for the O.W.L.s.

He dragged himself out of bed, changed into clothes, ran a comb through his hair, and trudged down the stairs into the common room, holding all his textbooks.

Well, here goes. He thought sitting down at a table.

"Hello, Ron." Hermione said, smiling at him from her books. Ron looked up to see that she was next to him. "Oh, uh, hey." he said, yawning, and proceeded to open his History of Magic textbook, his worst subject, and turned to a fascinatingly dull page about the most successful goblins in history and the building of Gringotts.

Ron looked at the page with glazed eyes.

The founding of Gringotts occurred in 1733, after the Great Goblin War, in that fruitful age of time, where peace was found, along with inventions and all kinds of societal advancements...

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