Chapter 1: Zel's Girlfriend

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Chapter 1: Zel's Girlfriend?!

The feeling of the stage lights bearing down on her had always made Rapunzel giddy with excitement! Sure at times she felt a little guilty, but never well on stage. On stage she just let herself sing her heart out letting loose all the feelings she never voiced to anyone in her life. Hearing the crowd roaring for her and the rest of Blue Fae made her send a wink out to the audience leaning against Raiden Greyson as they strummed through their guitars, she was just waiting for the chance to start singing once again.

Raiden was basically the older brother none of the members of the band had since he was nineteen and older then all of them. He made sure none of them burned themselves out, something that had happened way too often when they first started out and were trying to prove themselves to the world. They didn't really know much about Raiden other then the fact that he could get quite distant at times, and that the band was his entire life.

Beside them Zane Tyler, seventeen, was playing his bass as he worked the crowd into a frenzy. He was the most popular guy of the group. His kindness and willingness to sign an autograph anytime anywhere, not to mention that their producer liked to show most of Blue Fae with their shirts gaping open showing off Zane's impressive physique. It didn't hurt his image that he was a total grandma's boy, and his grandmother came to practically every Blue Fae concert. Actually Rapunzel wasn't sure if Ida Tyler had ever missed one concert since their debut three years ago. She knew their were jealous people out there who tried to say Zane was using his grandmother to make him see more caring, but the band knew the truth Zane would do anything for his grandmother.

In the middle of the stage, but behind the rest of them Lewis Vega, sixteen, was providing the beat on the drums. Rapunzel couldn't really let herself get close to Lewis, not because he was a bad guy, but because he reminded her of what she lost before she joined Blue Fae. Plus she always wondered when Lewis was going to leave the rest of the band behind. He was the heir to the Vega family, and considering he would have his father's title someday she couldn't see his family letting him continue with his music much longer. Especially considering there were no other children baring the Vega family name.

Then finally on the keyboard was their final band member Gideon Lazaros, eighteen. Although sometimes she was certain that his cousin Asher, who could pass as his twin brother, would play with them sometimes as well. She wasn't sure if Kent knew, but considering her own secret she never let on that she knew that Lazaros cousins were constantly switching back and forth. The two of them made sure the rest of the band actually had some fun once in a while, although Rapunzel rarely ever joined them.

"ENCORE!" The crowd screamed at them once the last cord for the final song of their concert ended. Sharing a look the group immediately launched into their newest song, one that wasn't even released yet.

Don't wait for me

I don't want to be free

I'm a prisoner to the beat

As I let my wings soar up with the harmony

I'm sorry, but I can't love you

For my heart is unquestionably captured by the melody

So please just let me go

Find your own path to follow

Use your own wings to Fly away from me

Because I just can't be what you're looking for

Don't wait for me

Cause I don't want to be FREE!!!

No, No, NO,

I don't want to be FREE!!!

Waving at their fans once the final note fell Rapunzel announced the name of their newest song. "Thank you everyone. That is a teaser for our newest song Unquestionably Captured, in stores next month, sorry if you all are disappointed that we gave you a preview before our next PV," she said with a wink.

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