Chapter 10: Articles

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Chapter 10: Articles

When she woke up the next morning Rapunzel was shocked to find herself in her room at Tiger's Dojo. Before she had learned to adequately defend herself in Tiger's eyes she was made to stay the night in this room, but it had been a very long time since she had actually used it for anything other then changing into her training clothes.

Remembering last night Rapunzel found herself blushing like crazy. She couldn't believe that she had cried herself to sleep on Zane's shoulder, at least that's what she figured must have happened considering she couldn't remember how she got here. Not to mention Zane had carried her like a child! How was she going to face any of them? Doing things like that wasn't like her. Rapunzel never cried in front of other people, she got enraged, confused, and any other emotion that didn't involve tears. They showed a weakness she had always refused to show in front of people.

"R! You'se awake. I's was scared last night when Zane brought you'se here and you'se were sleepy. But Zane said R would's be otay. Are you otay now?"

Looking at the concerned child in front of her Rapunzel tugged him into her arms hugging him tight. He was the only one she really didn't mind showing love to. Benji knew what it was like to lose someone and not know where to go, and she hoped he would never become like her. She didn't want this loving child to ever close himself off to love, she wanted to make sure he had a lot of friends and the other things she had always been too afraid to allow herself to have.

"Sorry about him R, he was worried when that guy brought you here last night with Tiger's nephew. If Benji hadn't said his name I would have ended up decking the guy," Cam said walking into the room.

It seemed Cam still hadn't seen the video of the concert where Zel pulled Benji onto the stage, or if she had Cam never spoke to Rapunzel about it. Instead things were normal between them, even if it had been a while since Rapunzel had actually spoken to the other girl.

"It's fine, and I'm alright now Benji. I was just really sad last night and must have been more exhausted then I thought. Why don't you go see what Tiger's making for breakfast? I'm certain he could use a little helper."

After looking at her closely and seeming to decide she wasn't lying to him, Benji ran off to do as she said. Cam closing her door as soon as Benji was out of sight. Rapunzel was certain Cam didn't believe she was actually fine, and that she wanted to know more about Zane and Lewis and why they had to bring her home. It would be so easy to tell her everything, but Rapunzel was still afraid of allowing Cam closer then she already was. Cam was already one of only two people Rapunzel trusted with Benji, even if she had seemingly added Zane onto that short list during that concert, so maybe make that three people. How much closer was she going to allow the girl? When she still was so terrified of losing people she cared about?

"So who was that guy who brought you back? And were you in another fight?"

"No I wasn't in a fight, nor am I injured in anyway. It's like I told Benji I ended up having a bit of a break down yesterday, and Zane was kind enough to bring me back. Lewis must have brought him here since they don't know where I live. Zane's a friend of Lewis's, and they invited me to hang out with them yesterday. However I ended up meeting someone from my mother's family who brought up a lot of unresolved issues, and I broke down. Nothing else I swear."

It was more then she wanted to tell Cam, but at the same time not giving away anything she hadn't wanted to. Sure she was still lying to Cam by omission, but she had told her the truth at the same time.

Cam gave her a stern look, but Rapunzel just shrugged. She had nothing more to say about Zane or Lewis, and Cam seemed to realize it. Sighing the other girl left the room without another word leaving Rapunzel to get ready for the day. Luckily none of the stuff laying out was girly, or her secret would have came out to Zane last night. That's if he had fully carried her to her room, she had never actually asked Cam or Benji. For all she knew Zane could have just passed her over to Tiger and then left.

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