Chapter 4: An Outing With The Band

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Chapter 4: An Outing With The Band

"Wait did you just say yes?!" Gideon was looking at her in shock after Rapunzel had agreed to Lewis's most recent invitation to join them at the restaurant they frequented after rehearsals. "Raiden check and see if Zel has a fever, or maybe Zel has a twin or a cousin taking his place and he forgot that Zel isn't really social."

"I'm not sick. I'm hungry and Lewis was kind enough to invite me to come with you guys. Although if you don't want me to...."

"No, we'd be happy for you to finally join us. Right Gid?" Zane replied elbowing Gideon in the stomach to get him to stop talking probably afraid she would change her mind.

Lewis had a big grin on his face as he stared at them all. Happy that she had finally agreed to join them without Ida being around to convince her. Now she would just have to figure out how to survive this without ruining her chance to become friendlier with everyone.

Sending a quick text to Ali to inform her she was hanging out with the band today she followed the other's not really knowing where they were going. Whenever Ida was with the band they tended to head over to her house and hang out there. That way Ida could question Rapunzel without worrying about anyone over hearing their conversation. So far Ida didn't seem to actually believe Rapunzel when she said she didn't have romantic feelings toward Zane. Ida hadn't actually told her why she was so convinced that Rapunzel and Zane harbored feelings for each other saying that once they stopped being so stubborn they would figure it out themselves.

"How's Asher been doing Gideon?" she asked. The other cousin was a major drama queen, but she had always been able to talk to him better then Gideon. Perhaps because Asher usually wasn't around whenever she put her foot in her mouth.

"He's been alright. The theater group he's a part of has been doing really well lately which is why we haven't really been switching as much." He only added the last part when he was certain that the other's couldn't hear. As far as they knew the other members of Blue Fae hadn't figured out the switching yet, and to help Asher achieve his dream they were careful to keep it too themselves.

Their switch had been so Asher could practice his acting by fooling hundreds of people into believing he was Gideon. Their fans knew Gideon had an identical cousin who would hang out with Blue Fae once in a while. One day she knew Asher hoped to be as famous as his cousin, but he didn't want to use his connection to Gideon to achieve it. So he tended to either dye his hair or wear a wig at his theater group changing the color with his mood, and wore blue contacts that hid his natural grey eye color to make him look less like Gideon. Asher was still frustrated that he had never been able to trick her into thinking he was actually Gideon. The two had even constantly switched back and forth for a week hoping they would finally trick her.

Asher was also the only one associated with the band who had met her as Rapunzel. Luckily as far as she knew he hadn't realized that the young lady he had helped with set design had been Zel. The two of them went to the same high school, but she and Asher rarely ran into one another since they weren't in the same class. Sometimes wondered if Blake had anything to do with it because other then her male classmates the guys at school tended to avoid her, or were super polite before making an excuse to leave. Not that she was going to tell Blake to stop, he probably wouldn't listen anyway, and it helped make sure her secret didn't get exposed before she was ready by Asher saying something if he realized it by spending more time with her as Rapunzel. Plus she would end up feeling guilty if she made him think Zel and Rapunzel were two different people once they got closer.

"That's good, I'm happy for him, he really is quite a talented actors since the others and Kent haven't realized anything yet."

"He'll be pleased to hear you say that."

Forever Blue (NaNoWriMo17)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora