Chapter 6: Ida Tyler

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Chapter 6: Ida Tyler

Zane it seemed had told Ida that Zel had been acting strangely which had led to the old woman barging in and disturbing them during practice this morning demanding they all come to supper at her place tonight before she left saying as she went out the door that five teenagers required a lot of time to cook for. She had said it in her no nonsense tone which meant only being in the hospital on their death beds was a valid enough reason to skip. Rapunzel had wondered why they hadn't seen Ida as often lately, so she was slightly happy to see Ida healthy and her usual self. Hopefully Ida wouldn't be so set on matchmaking tonight because Rapunzel really couldn't deal with that on top of everything else going on in her life right now.

"Hello Ida," she greeted the older woman when she opened the door and ushered Rapunzel inside. She didn't immediately bring Rapunzel to the dining room where the other band members were meaning she probably wanted to talk to Rapunzel in private about something.

"Zel you look skinnier every time I see you. Have you been eating properly?"

"Of course I have Ida." She said rolling her eyes playfully at the older woman.

Despite how she dreaded meeting with her at times Rapunzel really did love Ida. It was hard not to love her, and she was the only grandparent like figure Rapunzel had in her life. It warmed Rapunzel's heart every time Ida asked if she was eating properly because that was how Ida showed her love to everyone. If she didn't care about you she wouldn't ask and she would give you an ice cold stare or just ignore you completely.

When they had first met Ida hadn't liked her because of everything she had heard from Zane about Rapunzel's attitude towards the rest of the band. However it was like Ida had supernatural powers because she had seemed to realize what no one else had, that Zel was grieving and that her prickly nature was just her way to protect herself. Not to mention Ida had realized that she was a girl something the rest of the world who knew her as Zel was still blind too. At first it had sort of stung that no one else had noticed since she hadn't gone out of her way to make herself look more like a guy in the early days. She did now because she just found it easier to be a guy in the entertainment industry seeing how some of the female idols were treated.

After that Ida had basically adopted her as one of her own, and wanting her to be happy constantly tried to set her and Zane up together forgetting the fact that Zane didn't know she was a girl and more importantly that he didn't see her that way. Ida always waved off Rapunzel's opinion on the matter, saying she could see they would be good together and that Rapunzel should just give Zane a chance. So Rapunzel had sort of made a bet with Ida, saying if on his own Zane realized she was a girl she would give it one chance. One date, but only if Zane was able to figure it out himself with no outside help. At the moment Zane was still oblivious like everyone else, and Rapunzel hoped it stayed that way. Zane was a great guy, and sure he made her feel differently then anyone else in her life, but she couldn't see them as a couple.

"Don't sass me Zel, so given any more thought on dating my grandson?"

"Ida," she huffed, "we've talked about this countless times and my answer is always the same I don't like Zane in that way, so why would I date him?"

"Clueless the both of you!" The old woman growled out, lightly smacking Zane on the back of his head when he walked into the room; he always did have rotten timing when it came to his grandmother.

"Ow Granny what was that for?" Zane looked confused by his grandmother's actions having not heard Ida and Rapunzel go through the same conversation yet again.

"For being blind! Honestly it's like you Tyler men are cursed. Your father and grandfather weren't as bad as you however. Open your eyes for once boy!"

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