Chapter 9: Lewis and a Surprise Visitor

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Chapter 9: Lewis and a Surprise Visitor

Waiting for Lewis was annoying, since it was clear some of the girls in the cafe had recognized her as Zel already. She could practically hear their giggles and feel the phone camera shutters repeatedly taking her photo. Most likely they would tease their friends later that they got to see Zel in person, even if none of them were brave enough to face her without the other members of Blue Fae around.

He was already over half an hour late to an appointment he had made with her before she had left his house last night. It was irritating, but she didn't dare leave since she didn't want him to try and bring up any of what he learned last night during a rehearsal. Even if they tried to have a private conversation there, the security camera's would most likely pick up on it, and it wasn't like the other members didn't enter every room, other then her dressing room, without knocking. So she had to wait despite being annoyed and bored out of her mind. Maybe she should have brought her homework to work on, but she had thought Lewis would have been here before she even arrived eager to carry on their conversation.

"Sorry I'm late Zel," Lewis's voice broke her thoughts. Looking up at him she wanted to glare, but the exhausted expression that looked back at her had her holding in her emotions. Obviously Lewis hadn't slept well the night before, and she wondered if it was partially because of her.

"Never mind, I'm sure you have a lot of questions just make sure to keep your voice down."

"What really happened to you after your mom died?"

Now that wasn't the question she had been expecting. She had thought now that he had time to process everything he would ask why she had kept her true gender from the band. Or something along those lines. Not about that terrible time that she had forced to the back of her mind time and time again.

"You'll have to be more specific then that." It was hard not to just dart away. No one knew the true extent of what she had gone through, and she certainly wasn't going to tell Lewis everything. Just because she had promised to explain didn't mean she couldn't still keep a few secrets of her own.

"Something big clearly happened that had you close off from people. I heard it from Asher when he was still discussing his worry over you, about how people who knew you before high school couldn't believe how much you had changed. That you had been aloof before keeping in your small circle, but you were still warm enough to people who spoke to you. Almost everyone he talked to agreed that something happened when you entered high school, and that suddenly you lost the spark in your eyes. Blake was more protective of you, and he didn't allow anyone near you for the longest time. So what happened?"

"That's not something I really talk about. I mentioned enough at your house last night. My mother died, and I was attacked a week later by some idiots who lived near my home. Tiger happened upon me and offered to train me, and when he learned I had no one became my legal guardian to make sure I wasn't stuck going into the system.

"Although I will promise you it's not as bad as you guys probably believed. They didn't do that to me, it's the only redeeming thing about the idiots they never force themselves on unwilling woman like that. Although they don't care about your gender when they want to practice their fighting skills."

Although they might not be terrible in that way what they did still haunted a lot of their victims. It was only thanks to Tiger that most learned to fight back, and for the most part there weren't as many incidents. However they could only help so many, there were still many who ended up getting hurt because they walked in the wrong part of the neighborhood. Tiger was the only adult who had ever tried to help, most others just leaving them behind to sink or escape on their own. It was why she had never left, she wanted to help other's as much as Tiger had helped her. Protect people the way he had protected her.

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