1ST STEP- SELF DISCOVERY: The Knowledge To Empower Your Life Forever

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‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ -Albert Einstein


Regardless of your age, if you are breathing, then you are always ready for change. It might be in a relationship, career, an old habit, anger issue, or something that is really affecting your life. I want you to ask yourself, ‘Everything I have come to know in the last eighteen, twenty-two, forty-five or even sixty-five years, what impact has it had in this particular area of my life? Am I happy where I am? Have I attained fulfilment? Do I feel lost and confused?’

Now think back to how many times you have asked yourself those same questions. Do you see a pattern with your previous answers and your current ones? Unfortunately, most continue on that circular train track their whole life and are never able to implement real change. Firstly, they don’t build the belief system because they remind themselves of why they think they can’t change; and secondly, some people just don’t know how to approach it. It’s evident that we are always obtaining knowledge in this life, but learning requires rapid action. You could watch someone change a car tyre twenty times over, but unless you get down and do it, your knowledge is never tested, nor will you learn. It seems a lot of us believe we are taking appropriate action yet still feel as if we have failed. This is why we must direct that energy in a way that is going to be effective and implement lasting change.

Society has made us believe that if we ‘change’ then we are not being true to ourselves. Even our friends will have a dig at us and say things like, ‘You’ve changed,’ in a tone that makes us feel pain. There are two things that are neglected in this lie. They are: change is extremely powerful, but more importantly, it’s inevitable. Nothing remains the same. Every new moment, you are a new person, even physically. Not one single cell in your body has remained the same. This means we are always ‘becoming’. But what you are becoming depends on you. The challenge is that most people aren’t becoming what they want.

Essentially, something must change in order to grow, right? Whether it is financially, physically, emotionally or mentally, the same rule applies. Proper questioning is definitely the basis for directing change towards our immediate growth. It allows us to broaden the way we think and stop being narrow minded by creating a belief that ‘there is only one option’. We are asking questions to ourselves; however, we usually ask ones that result in answers that are of no real benefit and cause us to feel the same way.

That usually results in creating the same experiences. Stay away from such questions…

Why can’t I do that?

Why am I so unlucky?

Why does this always happen to me?

Why are all girls/guys the same?

All people with money have screwed someone over to get there, right?

Why can’t I enjoy life like others?

Why am I the only one faced with so many challenges in life?

When you change the way you think, you change the way you feel. When you change the way you feel, you change the way you act. When you change the way you act, you change your life. It starts by changing the way you…?


‘An unquestioned mind is the world of suffering.’ -Byron Katie

We need to ask questions that spurt growth and prevent us from feeling as if we are insignificant and worthless. It’s very important to ask and reflect on the question ‘Who am I?’ before anything else. This may seem a daunting question when first glanced at; however probing deeper will surely unravel the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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