The New Doctor(Pilot)

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To the right is Bonnie Wright who we think would make  a good female Doctor---->>>

Prologue~ The New Doctor

3rd Person POV

     The Doctor stumbles into the TARIDS, trying to keep his intestines and inner organs from spilling out onto the grate under his feet. He begins to flip levers and dial knobs on the control panel of the TARDIS, putting in coordinates for a random destination. Slowly, painfully, he makes his way to the set of chairs and sits, waiting for his body to regenerate. As he waits, he thinks back on all he did in this life. Save the world multiple times. Discover new creatures. Defeat the silence. Meet his love for her first time and his last, only to discover that his current companion was the mother of said love. Yeah, that was odd.

     As these memories fly through the old Time Lord's expansive mind, he smiles and laughs, he cries and frowns. Wondering if he should have done it this way or that way, or if he should have laughed instead of scolded when this happened or if he should have paid attention to a certain conversation instead of ignoring it.

     He pushes all of these thoughts away as he fills the energy build up inside him, ready to burst forth and bring on the new Doctor. He stands up, stretches his arms out as if ready to embrace all of his past companions and throws his head between his shoulder blades as light bursts from his limbs and the regeneration process takes over...

1st Person POV

     I fall to my knees as the initial blast is over with and I am able to breathe again. As I do, I bow my head and notice my hair is longer and my eyes focus enough for me to realize, "I'M A GINGER!" I jump around in joy and do a little jig then, I grab my chest and look under my hands.

"I'm a...a girl."

     I run to the mirror and stare at my reflection in fear and amazement as my suspicions are confirmed. My, now shoulder length, hair is in fact a rich copper color with blonde highlights that shimmer when the light hits them. My face is soft and round but with my cheekbones remaining the same, sharp and protruding. My nose is small and narrow, almost seeming too small, and my lips are a soft shell pink. My eyes can’t seem to decide what color they should be and seem to shift from green to blue in the fading light of the TARDIS. Wait . . . fading?

     Worried, I run to the TARDIS’s control panel and see that my beautiful ship is losing power, and fast. I see that she will be able to maintain flight for a few more minutes and search for the nearest moment of time she could land without becoming damaged. The TARDIS whines in protest as I try to guide her into a good landing position.

     “Come on, old girl! You can do it!” I shout and the entire ship trembles with the effort. Finally, I am able to land her without much more whining and tremors.

     “See that wasn’t so hard!” I smile and give the TARDIS an affectionate pat. Little did I know, her auxiliary power was down and I just being in the TARDIS was bringing her power levels down even more. So, in a vengeful mood, she shot sparks at me and the engines began to smoke from that little action. Realizing that if I didn’t evacuate the TARDIS now, I would be choked to death, so I sprinted for the door and collapsed on cobblestone pavement coughing up a lung or both.

     I hear someone clear their throat behind me so I look behind me and to my right is a gentleman sitting on a bench with a top hat and suit, reading a newspaper. 1870’s judging by his attire.

    “Hello,” I say. “I’m the Doctor,” and promptly blackout on the cobblestones.


Yay! *happydance* Our first update! XD This is totally awesome!

Okay, so this is probably the hardest thing for me to write because no one is really sure on how the Doctor would act if he in fact regenerated into a girl but my friends and I are giving it our best shot. As you guys already know this is co-written my me and my friends @dogsarepeopletoo and @Zyrithuseauh (who by the way is great writer, you should check-out her stuff.) We are having a lot of fun with this. 

And btw, we are trying to figure out what this Doctor's catchphrase should be. Kind of like how the 9th Doctor's (Chris Eccl.) was "Fantastic!" and the 10th Doctor's (David Ten.) had multiple ones. I swear there is too many to list them all. And the 11th Doctor's (Matt freakin'smexy Smith) was, though this is argued, "bowties are cool" and "geronimo". So yeah, if you guys could help us with that. 

We are going to try to update on a weekly basis. So see ya Whovian fans and forever (wor)ship Doctor Who! DOO WEE OOOOO!

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