Chapter One:

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Din_Din: OMG! AMAZINGTABBY FOLLOWED ME! Give me a sec, I need to fangirl.

AmazingTabby: =_= Tf is wrong with you? I only followed you because I've seen you from somewhere. I just don't know where ;-;

Din_Din: Awee! You remember me!!

AmazingTabby: ??? From where

Din_Din: I ain't telling c:

AmazingTabby: Fuck you. -.-

Din_Din: You would ;)

AmazingTabby has went offline, they will receive your messages when they get back online.

Din_Din: I'M KIDDING!!

AmazingTabby: Good. I was that close to blocking you ;-;

Din_Din: R u going to VidCon this year?

AmazingTabby: How did you know I even went to VidCon?

Din_Din: You've went ever since you became a Ytr.

AmazingTabby: .... gotta go bye



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