Chapter 6:

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AmazingTabby: Umm where are you? It's been over an hour? We're starting to worry. 

Denis_K: Sorry, got a flat. At Les Schwabs. Should be there soon. Love ya <3 

AmazingTabby: Okay. It's getting dark, don't ram over a deer or something on the way over. Are you in Kelowna's Les Schwab?? 

Denis_K: Yeah. So once they put on the tire, it'll be about 5 minutes and I'll be there. 

AmazingTabby: Yeah. C you. 

Denis_K: c: I've missed you so much. 

AmazingTabby: I think I heard you the first 100 times. 

Denis_K: I just wanna remind you. Pulling into the driveway! 

AmazingTabby: Okay. We'll go out and help ya get your things. 

Denis_K: You're so beautiful.

"You know you could just say it outloud?" Tabitha asked the smiling boy. 

"I love you, Tabs!!" He fell into the arms of the unexpecting brunette. 



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