1. Welcome

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Second p.o.v.
(A/N)-sorry for bad grammar or spelling.

"New campers are here." The bus driver said.
You half tripped off the bus, along with the boy on who was on the bus with you. The boy had said his name was Alex and you told him your name. Other than that you guys didn't talk to each other considering you had to get on the bus at five a.m. and you were very antisocial.
You slumped toward the hopping, red haired, optimist as he said, "Well hello campers! I'm David! Welcome to the best camp of all camps, Camp Campb-"
He was cut of by a nerd in a sweater, a green haired squirrel hybrid, and a puffy haired boy crashing into him with the bus.
The bus driver mumbled a bit about Jews and said he was going for lunch. You had to jump out of the way of the speeding bus into a bush. The bush was filled with thorns and you could barely move.
After a while of the camp counselor, Gwen, cutting you out of the bush and wrapping your cuts, and putting a button on you, you joined the rest of the campers. You eyed the puffy haired boy and nerd, who almost ran you over, for a minute. The puffy haired boy looked depressed and the nerd looked paranoid.
You heard a sudden, shrill of a "HI!" making you turn you head to meet the eyes of the squirrel girl.
"H-hey," you said a bit hesitantly.
"I'm Nikki!" she said.
"I'm (Y/N) and you almost ran me over," You said begrudgingly.
"Yeah, me and my friends haven't gotten the hang of driving yet. We crashed again. It's a good thing Neil's dad is rich!"
You rolled your eyes mumbled "cuz your only like ten," and said, "What are your friends names?"
"Hmmm..." she inched closer as if she was trying to stare into your soal. "Neil is the one in the sweater and Max is the one in the sweatshirt!" She suddenly exclaimed.
"Hey Nikki, is that the camper you almost ran over?" You heard a voice say from behind you.

(A/N)- hope you guys liked it. I'll try to have another one out soon!

Camp camp insert जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें