Choose you Character!

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Congratulations! You have finished the prologue! Now begins your story! In this tale, you are one of four friends living together.  One day, the characters of Black Butler show up at your house looking for a place to stay!  With your three friends, you must survive this fanfic like ordeal and find a way to help them get back home.

This story is told by four consecutive viewpoints from which the reader can choose. Each route is happening at the same time as the other routes, so each story is different. Each route chapter will be labeled with the reader's nickname, for example "(Mc) Wacko Welcome Wagon." Read the corresponding chapters to the chosen route. Each interactive route is written in 2nd person with one choice per chapter. At the end of each chapter the prompt for next chapter is written in italic. You the reader can interact more by commenting what you think should happen next chapter, something your character would say, or something your character would do! The routes are listed below.

Mc Route

Baby llama don't need no drama, a phrase that fits this route perfectly. Mc is a laid back girl who doesn't care much for drama or stupid people. Like all the girls of the house, she's a huge nerd when it comes to anime and spends all day in her room. Generally chill, her demeanor can change from nice to mean instantly when she's sleep deprived. Her humor can be pessimistic sometimes, so expect a few anti jokes here and there. If you can describe yourself as lazy, chill, or blunt/frank this route is for you.

Fn route

Tumblr. Superwholock. Fanfiction. That's literally her personality. Almost everything she says is from the internet and her humor is comprised of bad jokes, puns and the latest memes. She tries not to swear and ends up with a load of creative insults. Too much tv and internet has left her to believe that she's always right and ready to fight. If you have been called sarcastic, feisty, or a fangirl then allons-y down the path of Fn.

Aka Route

Looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you. If you mess with this girl she is quick to sass you out with her sharp tongue. She's not afraid to play dirty when it comes to fighting or jokes. She is quick to tease, but that doesn't stop her from having an empathetic nature. When it comes to new experiences, she's up for the challenge and ready for adventure. Sassy, flirtatious, and adventurous; if any of these describes you then the Aka route is key.

Yn Route

I don't know what it is but I'm going to poke it. The essence of dork can be found in this loony girl as she'll go around poking things for fun. By default she's nice, but get to know her and she becomes one of the weirdest person you'll ever meet. The mix of nice and crazy make her seem childish, however don't think for a second that she won't laugh at dirty jokes or come up with some of her own. Every one can agree that Yn is weird, crazy and energetic. If you are too then come join us on the Yn route.

Next chapter, Ciel and Sebastian get to experience the joy of dealing with the girls in the morning! What are you like when you just wake up? Grumpy? Confused? Just plain out of it? Comment and your ideas might appear in the story! Don't forget to vote!  

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