Feed Me!

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ATTENTION: I am not going to write any more new chapters until I finish revising these first chapters.  Why?  No one wants to read a story that showed promise but never got any better.   Before I post any new chapters I'm going to revise the past chapters and make sure that the characters are not acting OOC (out of character) and that the POVs (point of views) are vague enough, relatable, and engaging.  I don't have any friends or family that read/write fan fiction so I'm hungry for some feedback.  Feed me please!  That sounds a little weird, but if you the reader could please help me by answering any of the below questions, it will help greatly.  I will finish the revisions faster and get back to posting new chapters.

1. Is there anything at all that you dislike or hate?  Anything that made you want to put down the book?

Comment anything, I won't get offended     

2. What made you want to click on the story and read the first chapter? 

A) the cover  B)  the title  C) the description?  

3. Was the first chapter difficult to read?

A) no  B) yes the paragraphs are too long   C) yes the sentences don't flow   D) yes it's a bit wordy

4. Are you confused about anything? 

A) the view points  B) the in-chapter choices  C) certain scenes, dialogue, events  D) what's even going on?  E) other   

5. Does the choose your own view point make sense? 

A) yes   B) no it's stupid   C) yes but they should be their own individual books not chapters  D) No, none of the girls are like me!

6. Are the viewpoints relatable?

A) yes, ____ is totally me!  B)  sort of, some things I would do  C) no, again none of the girls fit me!    D) no, no one would actually do that  E) these are all my friends not me.     

7. Are the characters acting like themselves?  

A)  yes   B) no they would never do that  C) no I would never do that  D) yes, but I don't want them to act that way!    

8. Do you feel motivated to comment on the chapters?  

A) No, no one else is commenting!  B) I don't have any good ideas so I'll stay silent   C) No, I hate author's notes  D) Nah for whatever reason I the author couldn't think of

9. Do you like having choices in each chapter?

A) Sure  B) no, it's too complicated!  C) yeah, but the way it's set up is confusing  D)  yeah, but there aren't enough options!  E) nah, I end up reading both so it doesn't matter

10. Do you like the story?

A) Yeah it's great!   B) Sure, I'm interested to see what happens  C) Nah, I'm just reading this cause I'm bored  D) No, I don't know why I'm even still reading the story  E) I'm here for the puns

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