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Lucy ran into the Mason Industries building, not letting anyone get in her way. She walked straight up to Wyatt, who was standing alone at Jiya's computer. "Wyatt!" She called out. He turned around slowly, his smile falling when he sees her look of concern. Wordlessly, he follows her to a small hallway that was unoccupied.

"What's up?" He asked quietly. Lucy looked up at him, terror in her eyes. "My mom...she knows about Rittenhouse." She said quietly, looking back down at the ground. "What? What does she know exactly?" He asked calmly. "She's part of it. She said the only reason she knew my father is because they both come from strong Rittenhouse families. Wyatt I am going to be the face of Rittenhouse whether I like it or not! I might as well turn myself into Agent Christopher now! I'm almost as guilty as-" "Lucy, it's okay.

"You're not going to be like them. I won't," he sighed, "we won't let it happen. All of us. I promise." Lucy hugged him tightly, and he hugged back. "Lucy, Rittenhouse isn't coming for you. Not on my watch." Lucy smiled and buried her face into Wyatt's shoulder.

"There's one more thing." She mumbled. Wyatt nodded. "I'm listening." Lucy let go of Wyatt, backing away slightly. "My mom said that a Rittenhouse operative has the Mothership. These missions aren't going to end anytime soon. We better call Rufus."


"Lucy how many people in your family are part of this death trap? Is your sister going to come back and threaten my family too?!" "Hey!" Wyatt yelled over top of Rufus screaming at Lucy, who kept her head down and looked as if she was going to cry. "Screaming at her because of something she couldn't help won't stop what's happening.

"Rittenhouse has the Mothership. That's what matters right now. The Lifeboat and the Mothership are still linked. We can track them, take the pilot out, then where can they go? As simple as that." Lucy nodded, still looking down. Rufus walked off, presumably to go vent to Jiya.

Wyatt turned his attention back to Lucy, who was still looking down with tears in her eyes. "Hey, you okay?" He asked softly. Lucy looked up and wiped away some of the tears that had fallen. "I will be." She answered quietly. Wyatt shook his head and sighed. "You know, Rufus didn't mean everything he said. He's just going through a lot right now. Hell, so are most of us. But we got your back."


The crew had stayed at Mason Industries just in case, then at 2 am the computers started beeping loudly, indicating that the Mothership had jumped. "Where did they go?" Agent Christopher called out, walking over to Rufus's computer. "New York City. October 17, 1772. Any significance?" Rufus asked her along with Lucy and Wyatt who had run up behind her. "I have an idea. You guys listen to Broadway?"

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