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Stepping out of the Lifeboat, Lucy went straight to the Wardrobe Dock. Rufus and Wyatt followed soon after. Before they reached the Wardrobe Dock, Rufus stopped Wyatt in his tracks. "What?"

"Ask her out," Rufus whispered to him. Wyatt rolled his eyes. "I'll give her some time. She just found out her mom is, well, for lack of a better term, evil." He replied.

Rufus nodded slowly and kept walking towards the Wardrobe Dock. Wyatt thought about what Rufus had suggested. He would admit that he liked Lucy, but he had just realized that and was still getting over Jessica even though he was open to possibilities. Plus, she just found out about her mom being Rittenhouse and she recently broke off things with Noah. He'd give her a break.

He continued walking to the Wardrobe Dock. When he entered the hall he walked straight to the "USA 1700s" section, where he heard a woman crying. He looked around until he saw Lucy sitting on a bench, her head in her hands and her shoulders trembling. "Hey, you alright?" Wyatt asked cautiously, slowly walking towards her. Lucy quickly snapped her head up and looked at him, a shocked expression on her tear-stained face.

"Yeah, totally, I'm completely fine," Lucy answered, frantically wiping the tears from her face. Wyatt walked over and sat beside her. "You sure?" He asked softly. Lucy looked up at him, tears filling her eyes once again before she put her head back into her hands. "I just, I just don't know what to do. My sister's gone, my parents are both working for the organization I'm fighting against, I broke up with the fiance I barely knew anyway, I have no one left." She sobbed.

Wyatt hesitantly put his hand on her back, moving his hand in small circles. 'You have me." Lucy looked up at him once again. She smiled and looked down at the ground. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She laughed softly, and Wyatt did the same. "Hey, maybe we'd both feel better if we changed out of these terrible clothes," Wyatt suggested, referencing the 1700s clothing with his hand. Lucy didn't reply, she simply just nodded.

The two stood up, facing each other. "Also, if you need a place to stay or something, you can come with me if you want." Wyatt offered. Lucy looked at him, wide-eyed. "Yeah, I think I might have to take you up on that offer." The two stood just inches apart before Lucy turned away. "We should also, uh, get out of all...this." She vaguely gestured to their 1700s outfits once again before grabbing the hanger and walking to the change room.


Wyatt stood outside the Mason Industries building waiting for Lucy. She walked out to meet him and closed the door behind her. "You sure you're fine with me staying with you?" She asked, slowly walking towards Wyatt. "Yes. It's not a problem. Plus, I suggested it." He opened the passenger side door for Lucy, who sat down as Wyatt closed the door behind her. He walked over to the driver's side and stepped in, starting the car and driving out of the Mason Industries lot.

It wasn't a long drive to Wyatt's apartment, but the silence in the vehicle made it feel like hours. Neither of them said a word, which transformed a short drive into a gruelling quest. Once they finally reach Wyatt's apartment, he got out first and walked over to Lucy's side, opening her door for her. They walked into the apartment, and Wyatt turned to Lucy after closing the door behind them.

"The guest room is down the hall, I guess I'll see you in the morning. Unless they call us back to work again." Lucy nodded and the two split their separate ways, at least until the next morning.


a/n hey everyone! I hope you're liking the story so far. if you are, maybe leave a vote or comment :)? thanks!

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