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"So tell me again, there's a musical on a founding father that everyone forgot? How is this famous?" Wyatt asked. "It's a good musical. Anyway, the point is that Rittenhouse has the time machine and is probably going to mess up the date that Alexander Hamilton got to New York.

"That would completely mess up the entire beginning of the United States. Washington wouldn't have a Secretary of the Treasury. He wrote 60% of the Federalist Papers! Without him, the constitution would be completely different!" Lucy explained. Both Wyatt and Rufus slowly nodded. "Okay, so you all better go get your outfits on. It's showtime." Agent Christopher ordered. The three walked to the Wardrobe Dock.


Rufus and Wyatt were the first ones to the Lifeboat, as Lucy had to put her on her outstandingly complicated and uncomfortable dress. "So you ask Lucy out yet?" Rufus asked. Wyatt was shocked at his question and stuttered out a response. "No, I mean, um, why would you ask?" Rufus shrugged. "You could try to cut the sexual tension with a knife and it still wouldn't work. Just saying."

Wyatt opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Lucy entering the Lifeboat. "You guys ready to go?" She asked. "Honestly, I was never ready to use this again but here we go," Rufus said. The trio was quiet as the door closed. Soon enough, they were in the time warp to 1772.

Rufus had parked the lifeboat in an abandoned building about a mile west from the main New York City just by luck. Everyone got out of the old time machine and started walking towards the colonies on the Hudson River.

"Okay, where is Hamilton supposed to be?" Wyatt asked Lucy. "Well, from what I understand, he's getting off a ship from the Caribbean," Rufus responded instead. "What? Jiya made me listen to it, and it's pretty good actually." Lucy and Wyatt both shrugged and continued walking down the crooked brick streets.

"How are we going to convince Hamilton to come with us?" Rufus asked. Lucy thought about it, thinking about what could happen if they said or did the wrong thing to tip Alexander off about his future. And death, which wasn't as pleasant either. "Tell him we are from Princeton University and we want to bring him to Aaron Burr. They're not supposed to meet for a couple days but that won't screw up everything, right?" Wyatt rolled his eyes.

"Let's just grab the guy, keep him safe until Rittenhouse leaves, then we leave. It's as simple as that." Rufus nodded, and Lucy gave in to the less complicated plan. She looked down the river and saw a ship with a lot of people on board. She recognized the name and started walking towards it quickly, calling for Rufus and Wyatt to catch up. "It's Hamilton's ship!" She called back to them. The two walked quickly to match her pace.

The ship anchored in the dock and people started walking off. Lucy was looking for Alexander Hamilton, who would've gotten lost in the crowd unless he made some sort of grand entrance. "Hey is Hamilton the guy standing in the middle blocking everyone?" Wyatt asked. "No what do you-yeah nevermind it's him," Lucy said. Wyatt started running into the bigger portion of the crowd and up the ramp.

Lucy looked around to see if there were any other historical figures in the crowd. She didn't see any, but she did see someone she recognized. Emma. She saw Emma reach into her coat as if pulling out a gun and Lucy turned her attention back to Wyatt, who was slowly dragging Alexander off the ramp. "Wyatt look out!"

Wyatt turned his attention back to Lucy for a second before the gunshots were heard. Wyatt and Alexander ducked and ran over to Lucy and Rufus, who were both hiding behind a building. When Alexander and Wyatt reached the other two, they started to run down the alley until they found an open door.

They ran inside the vacant building, up the stairs to the 3rd floor. "Unhand me, you fool. Where are we? And who are you?" Alexander yelled, jerking his arm away from Wyatt's hold on him. The three exchanged glances, wondering if they should tell the truth or not.

"I'm Lucy, this is Rufus and that's Wyatt. We are here to bring you to Princeton University on order from Aaron Burr, as he would like to speak with you. We were unaware of the attack that happened." Lucy explained.

Rufus nodded while Wyatt rolled his eyes. Yes, it was useful to keep the founding father calm but Lucy didn't always have to make up such an elaborate story. He just wanted to make sure Rittenhouse left.

Alexander nodded. "Alright. I'll stay here with you three until the attackers have left the premises." Wyatt signalled to Lucy and Rufus to meet in the corner. The three huddled into the corner, trying to hide away from Alexander.

"Okay, great story, but how the hell are we supposed to get him to Princeton. It's like an hour of a drive away from here. And there are no cars, need I remind you." Wyatt whispered. Rufus looked at Lucy for an answer.

"Well, would you rather have said that we kidnapped him to keep him away from an organization that he is going to try to tear up in the future?" Lucy whispered back, then sighed. "We will at least walk him halfway."

"Yeah, and what if someone finds the Lifeboat? Then what?" Rufus asked. The other two paused for a second. "We will give him directions, tell him to watch his back. But we stay here until Rittenhouse leaves. Alright?" Wyatt suggested. Lucy and Rufus nodded, agreeing with the plan.

"Might I ask why Aaron Burr wanted to speak to me, of all people?" Alexander asked, bringing the attention back to himself. Wyatt looked to Lucy, hoping she could make up some history-related story.

"He has read your work and was impressed. But because of the attack, we need to make some more changes. You will be travelling alone to the university, but we will give you directions. Is that alright?" Lucy suggested. Alexander sighed and shrugged. "I guess I'll go along with it."

"Great! We are going to walk with you to a certain point then we'll leave you there with the directions to Aaron Burr. Thank you for your cooperation." Lucy explained, turning back to Wyatt and Rufus. "We should go. Now."

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