'I'm sorry...'

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*At the principal's office*

"Both of you have some explaining to do." The principal called them in and waited 'til one of them said anything. Not getting an answer he spoke again. This time with a little more authority.

He slammed his hand on the table and asked the two young adults sitting in front of him "Who started it? And what happened? You tell me right now, this instant." He pointed at Cybil for an explanation.

"Well sir, Alexis has been very rude to me since this morning. He bumped into me while heading out to the class in the hallway and didn't even say a word of apology. And now, even if I do pay attention in the class, he calls me out for not paying attention while he, himself was not, the whole lecture." Cybil said as her anger was starting to boil at the worst First Day of school ever.

"Sir! She's lying! She was the one who was walking without a mind and bumped into me let alone falls onto me. After that, she didn't even say a 'sorry'. And as for right now, she was crushing on Shawn Carter and I just happened to call the teacher on her so that she wouldn't distract anyone." Alexis voiced.

While what he said wasn't a lie it was still manipulated to help him through.

"Well then." The principal began before anyone else could say a word. "You both seem to have your own version of the story. Alexis, you are very well known as the rudest boy of the institute, so before I send you to 'Rose', you better warm-up." The principal said threateningly.

Alexis disgruntled. Cybil was quite surprised to hear the name 'Rose' again.

"And Ms.Cybil you shall help him grow warmer with the help of Shawn Carter." Principal finished them off with a warning and the order of an end of the year report.

The whole day, Cybil didn't even want to look at Alexis's face, just his pure existence made her mad. Meanwhile, Shawn had to take the role of a babysitter.

Cybil realized that Shawn was caring and nice, that behind those nerdy glasses and messy hair, there was a person who had a real sweetheart. Although Shawn was really hard to be friends with and quite distant, she felt very less of that when they were talking.

Shawn loved arts and is creative. But at the same time, he's very calculative and gets very good grades. His sketches were outstanding and his paintings made her think, "Picasso who?". This guy is a total package. Isn't he?

Shawn was quite a humble and down to earth kind of guy. He didn't care that he was one of the cutest guys of the school, to him he was just a normal teenager.

"So, now that you're in a better mood. Let's talk about Alexis" Shawn started as they both sat down on a bench near the lake behind the institute.

"Do we have to?" Cybil complained looking at Shawn.

"Well, yes" He chuckled.

Cybil let out a sigh and began, "When do we start?" She asked.

"Sooner the better," Shawn replied looking at the waters.

"Yeah, how about tomorrow?" Cybil asked, "It's a weekend, so maybe let's hang out?" Cybil added.

"Um sure, but would Alexis come?" Shawn asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." Cybil shrugged.

"We'll have to ask I guess," Shawn advised. Cybil let out an annoyed grunt.

"Don't tell me we have to ask him.." Cybil closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of the bench.

"Well, we don't really have a choice," Shawn said as he laid his head on the bench as well.

"Well... There is another way...." Shawn started.

Cybil raised a brow.

*At the principal's office*

"Yes?" The principal asked, confused as to why they were there.

"Sir, can you help us with the case of Alexis that you have given us..." Shawn began.

"Well of course" The Principal agreed.

"Sir, we need his number so that we could call out to him for tomorrow," Cybil began

"So, can you persuade him?" Shawn completed. 

"Well, that's quite a request," He said and scruffled his mustache.

"Deal but only this one time," The principal said and Cybil and Shawn headed out of the office relieved.

"So let's meet tomorrow!" Shawn said happily with a cute smile. Cybil noticed that Shawn had a cute snaggle tooth as she did. Seeing that made her happy and she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Shawn asked.

"Mm~ nothing" Cybil replied.

The day was saved thanks to Shawn.

When they were heading out to the home, Shawn stopped Cybil abruptly.

"Hey, let's exchange numbers," Shawn said bringing out his phone. "We'll need to contact each other, won't we?" He added.

"Oh right," Cybil said before giving out her number.

They both started walking in the same direction. They looked at each other.
"You live here?" They asked consecutively. Laughing they replied together, "Yeah"

*At Home* 

"Mom! I have so much to tell you, I had like the weirdest day today," Cybil called out but no one answered. 

"Mom?" "Dad?" Cybil called out once again but this time heading into each room. Where are they? Cybil wondered 

She heads to the kitchen to find food placed on the dining table covered with a plate and a note sitting in the midst of the food. It read in hasty handwriting:

"Hey sweetie,

I and your dad are heading out to your grandma's and will be back by this weekend. She's ill and in an unstable condition. 

Sorry, we couldn't take you, but we had to leave in a hurry.

Mom <3 "

"Well, that's great," Cybil called out in sarcasm. She took out her phone to call her mother to ask is her if Lola was fine but just then someone knocks on the door. 

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