Chapter two

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{Betty perspective}
Jughead was going to get home any minute from Pops and I had nearly finished making the ideal dinner date for us. I had put candles everywhere, laid out our favourite movies and had made burgers. It was perfect. Seven minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened it. There in the doorway was the most handsome person on earth, Jughead Jones. "Did you have a good day at work?" I questioned.
"It was good, I met my dad's friend's daughter, Toni," he replied, not knowing that I suddenly had a burning feeling in my chest. A feeling of jealousy. I tried to let it go by inviting him to see my amazing dinner date that I had planned. He sat down and we tucked in. We talked and talked. We finally finished after three burgers each. He stood up and said how much he loved the dinner and the candles and everything about me. Then he said, "I love you, Betty Cooper." And I had never felt so happy in my entire life. The burning jealousy had vanished and was replaced with love. I slowly stood up, "I love you two Jughead Jones." He smiled unable to contain his happiness and kissed me. He kissed me like it was the last time we were going to see each other, the last time we would ever touch. I broke off in a smile and we went and sat on the couch to watch a movie. I grabbed a blanket and got some popcorn and sweets for the marathon of movies we were about to watch, the first one being Barbie and The Diamond Castle, one of Jug's all time favourites. And in that moment I knew that he was the man I wanted to stay with for the rest of my life.

{authors note} hello everyone I hope you are enjoying this so far. Hopefully I will be writing at least 10 chapters but idk. I have school and stuff. Anyway comment what you think.

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