chapter 9

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{Archie's perspective in his diary/journal}
Hey, diary
yesterday i really fucked up. I kissed Toni. I kissed Toni in front of Veronica AND Betty. I'm so mad at myself. How could I? Not only did i cheat on the girl I love, I cheated on her right in front of her face. What kind of an idiot does that? I mean if i'd seen veronica kissing Reggie in the bathroom, i'd beat up Reggie and dump Veronica. I hope she doesn't dump me. If she did that i don't know what i would do. God, i don't even know why i kissed toni. Out of all the girls in Riverdale High, I kissed Toni?! I don't even like southside serpents. Oh well. What's done is done. Maybe tomorrow will be better and Veronica will have forgotten all about it. I hope. Anyway, good night, diary.

Love ya, Archie

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