The Awaited

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Sho held his head again, this time the look on his face was a little bit tense.
"Another report…" he sighed, trew the papers of today's news he got to read tonight.
Another 'zero' job was waiting for him.
"Sakurai san, are you ready?"
"Ah, haik!" Sho replied.
He hurriedly grabbed the sheets he prepared and his upper suit and ran to the studio door. The light box above the door flashed as he closed it behind. It's written "ON AIR"
In another place and another room in Tokyo, not far from the previous place, a TV was on, there we could see a guy named Sakurai Sho was reading the news in front of a very big screen. Once in a while his hand expertly scrolled the big screen up and down, back and forth to show what's in the picture. A pair of sharp eyes glaring to the TV screen, the eyebrows were set neatly as he frowned once in a while. He listened to what the newscaster reported tentatively. Suddenly a recent fancy type of an iPhone right next to him rang and vibrated at once.
Grabbed the phone, this guy lazily answered it, his hand was a bit muscly from exercise. Guess he's a regular gym person.
" mosh mosh.." His voice was deep and a bit husky.
"Aay… Matsumoto san… your next schedule will be at seven tomorrow morning and…"
"Wakatta!" He replied before the caller ended his last sentence and hung up the phone.
He threw the phone to the bed n
ext to him and sighed.
His eyes went back to the TV,
"Damn, it's over" he whispered as he grabbed the remote and turned it off.
Matsumoto didn't feel sleepy at all. As if he wasn't doing anything earlier, though he just came back from the latest drama shooting he casted on.
He was still wearing the same t shirt Miyama Hiroto wore in the kitchen. He really wanted to go home straightforward after the last take. He knew he had too, because he was expecting his buddy's promise to stop by after the news. Yup, he was waiting for Sakurai.
As it was expected, Matsumoto heard somebody entered the outside door. It clicked loudly.
"Ahh, finally. He came" he thought.
He hurriedly unlocked the door.
"Aaahhh it's you…"
"What? Nani? Is this your welcome
greeting after a week?" A Lady with a slim figure frowned her beautiful face. She has got the same sharp glare and thick neat eyebrows.
"That's not it nee-chan…"
"So what is it?' This lady Matsumoto called nee-chan threw herself on a couch next to the door.
" what are you doing here. It's late. Won't your husband worry about you?"
"Neah, he's at his mom's with Souta, he won't be back home not until tomorrow morning."
"I just stop by to give you this. It's from ka-san, I'll put it here okay, now I gotta go… got some appointment with my girls" she put some green plastic bags full of things on the table and hurriedly rushed to the door,"
"Bye bye Junji," she blew a sweet kiss before disappeared to the outside part of the door.
"Junji? Yeah right." He smirked and smiled at the same time. Been a while since he was called that way, and he only heard it from his own lovely big sister.
He opened the green plastic bag. Aaahhh it's a box of his favorite unagi and some uncooked soba noodle along with the ready sauce. Ka'san always knew how to make his youngest son happy.
J put all the things he got in a fridge when he heard another bell rang from the door.
"It must be him," he thought.

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