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The meeting lasted for hours. Finally the room was almost empty. There left the assistant and J. They're still busy talking about the stage layouts and background screenplay thing.
"I go first," said the stage director
"Otsukarisamadeshita!" J replied in his happy tone
He was all alone in the room, fixing and putting every papers left inside the backpack. Suddenly a voice heard from behind.
"You're still here?" Ahh it's Sho.
"Yups, I'm about to go" J replied
"Wanna have some drinks" Sho asked.
"Ah," He was thinking about the next morning shooting schedule, but, shoots, who cares, he thought. He could still have a couple hours of sleep.
"Ok, wait for a sec okay, I'll go downstairs" J finally replied.
As he went out from the elevator, he could see Sho was already waiting for him. He smiled at J.
"Let's go.."
They left the building together.
"Let's use my car" J told his idea.
"Ok, let me tell my manager to go home"
Sho texted his manager. This red guy asked him not to wait for him and to go home first.
Roads in Tokyo was never been quiet. It's all almost the same even at night. There's just less people around.
On the way they both discussed about all the things needed to be added for their next concerts. Fans won't believe how expert they were when they're talking about serious stuffs. J explained everything seriously. His eyebrows rendered and frowned and his lips pouted while talking as he drove his car with one hand and moved the other hand as if he wanted to convinced his brother about his amazing ideas about their next performance. The way he focused his eyes on the road while thinking seemed made him became like an expertise trying to explain his new formula on how to conquered the world.
Sho listened to every words in a great interest. He stared at J's face while listening to every detailed explanation he uttered. There's an amazement on his eyes. As if he was talking and listening not just to a little brother he knew more than twenty years ago. Somehow sometimes J seemed like a guy whom he can share all the things about techniques and works and he enjoyed every moment of it.
Finally the car J's drove approached a fancy small building right next to a TV station. They parked the car not far from the entrance gate. It's a place they used to visit long time ago when they had a company party. It's late, but the place inside was so lively, the music played was only half tune heard. That's why they chose the place. It's a comfortable spot to have a drink and have a talk at once.
As they entered the room. A tall waiter escorted them to a nice spot hidden from most seats where it was more crowded. They lead them politely to sit and gave a couple of complementary drinks.
Both of this guys were quite gentlemen, the way they respond to every service was so nice. Their gestures proved that these men have been trained to have an excellent manner. The way they both bowed, smiled and glared are quite delightful to be seen.
"So nostalgic ne," Sho looked around and smiled.
"Yeah," J replied. He couldn't hide his smile as well. He shook his head. This looks funny, he thought.
"What time is your drama shooting tomorrow?" Asked Sho breaking the ice.
"It's at nine," J replied. He sipped his drink as he explained.
"I read so many comments about our coupling song. I didn't know fans would be all excited about it" said J.
"The one shipped us couldn't wait to hear it I guess," added Sho followed by a big laugh.  Sho's kinda laugh.
"Funny thing, they'd prefer you had Riida instead," said J. He was smiling and shaking his glass once in a while.
"Is that bothering you?" Asked Sho.
J didn't answer. He shook his head again and smiled.
The tall waiter brought their dish. Both of them took small portions, extra drinks were added. As he excused himself, they both smiled and nodded politely.
"Well, we talked about it with the others ne, I think everything's gonna be just fine," said Sho.
He tapped J's shoulder. He knew J's not really good with words. So whenever he smiled, or nodded or sigh in a certain way, he just knew that there's always something J's actually want to discuss. But what came out from his mouth was always about general things. And their conversation always ended up like 'an unfinished business'. Nevertheless, he never expect like a heart to heart kinda talk. Like he always said to his fans, never expect anything more than what you see.

"Aahh, finally…" J sighed.
After a quite long day and a couple of drink with Sho. He felt a little bit better.
Laid his head on his favorite soft pillow, J's mind wandering to all the things he had on his head. Guess, everything would come to mind when somebody's all alone.
It's 2 in the morning and he still couldn't close his eyes. He was still thinking about all the things that had been bothering him. He reached his hand phone and started to open twitter. He doesn't know how his heart lead him to open that site. He's in.
His fingers dragged him to touch the hash tag wrote #Sakumoto and many mentions drew his attentions. His fingers scrolled and scrolled as his eyes sharply glared at the screen.
Some made him smile, some made him giggled. But then he suddenly stopped. He saw something that he had never seen before. It's a photoshoot of a drawn sketch made by hand. There he could see himself posing side by side with his big bro Sakurai. In the picture, the artist made his eyes, and Sho's sparkling. There's romaji writing on the edge of the sketch, finally! Their song together, #comeback. The caption on the top was written in English. "I'm so happy you two work together. I bet the song will be awesome, can't wait to hear it! With an exclamation sign and a red and a purple heart following.
He was stunned, he could feel.this warmth inside him and slowly to his face. It felt so warm at the same time it felt like,
" aahh," he thought, "I don't know when was the last time I felt like this,"
He didn't notice who drew the sketch, it just that the drawing seems woke him up from a very long sleep. A sleep that made him became like… like he was too conceited to express his true feelings towards life and society and closest people around him. He began to reflect, how he always smiled in front of camera. How he denied it when people said that he was actually a very compassionate and delicate kinda person.
Suddenly he was thinking about calling Sho. He grabbed his phone and dialled his number.
"The number you are calling…" then he hang up.
Ah he must be asleep. He thought.
The he tried again once more, same answer, but this time J didn't hang up. He waited until the phone beeped.
"Hi, it's me." He said in a low deep tone.
"Thank you for tonight. Heck! What am I talking about," He sighed, then continued.
"I know it doesn't sound like me, but I'm glad we finally worked together. Having our song done and arranging the music with you. It's all been fun and great. I began to think that who knows I'm going to be your number one fan once more, but this time, don't worry, I'll share you with the rest of the guys and the fans," As he talked he gave a small laughter.
"So, otsukarisamadeshita, let's create the most unforgettable performance, together, both of us. Ja, see you…" J hung up the phone before he choke himself. "Damn!" He thought, his emotions almost carried him away. He then sniffed and rubbed his nose.


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