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He hurriedly rushed putting everything inside the chillers, slammed the door and ran to the front door.

"Is that you Sho-san?"

"Yups," a soft but deep voice replied behind the door.

There's a smile on J's face. This is the first time Sho visited him and planned to spend a night at his apartment before the meeting and the next concert planning held. Alhough the manager already scheduled another  photoshoots for him early in the morning.

"Well, come in" J said without any hesitation.

Actually Sho already visited him before. But that time he didn't get in at all, he only gave what Aiba asked him to give before he went to his own drama shooting, and it was around a year ago.
Sho looked around. He couldn't hide his sleepy tired eyes but a promise is a promise.

"Somebody came?" He asked.

"Ah, just my nee-chan" J replied."but she was just giving me what ka-san prepared this afternoon."

"You're lucky," Sho smiled.

He sat down comfortably on the black couch on the corner, loosen his tie and tried to make himself comfortable.

"I hope you don't mind I put my shoes down here"

"Neah. It's okay" J brought two big cups of coffee to the table in front of him and sat down.


*douzo," He sipped his hot coffee... ahh it feels great, the coffee tasted good as well.

"Thank you for having me here. I didn't know where I could spend a night at this such late hour"

"Don't mention it, I just got home myself" J replied.

He disappeared to the other room. There's a sound of the water tap running for a while then stopped. Sho lied down his head on the coach. From the corner of his eyes he could see J returned and sat back right next to him. His eyebrows frowned a bit and he could hear his brother's sighed. The sudden silent between them completely changed the atmosphere.

"Okay. What is it?" Sho asked.

He couldn't help his eyes from closing. He was a bit sleepy. But J understood. He didn't complain while he was trying to explain what he saw earlier.

"Did you see what's on twitter lately?"

"What about? Ah our Duet ka? I knew it." Sho replied calmly as he continued sipping his coffee J made for him.

"Are you worried?" Sho continued.

He knew his little brother very well. The one who always felt worried when something went wrong.J didn't answer. His eyes was wandering around. To the closed curtain, to the tapestry and the window. And finally he glanced at the big frame of their platinum awards they got from their last album. There's a photo of five of them smiling happily next to it. Ah, natsukashi... everything seemed so nostalgic to J. The awards they got were all hanging on the wall. Some of them were standing on the wooden planks on the top of the fireplace. Everything they got, they got it with so much effort.

"You didn't answer my question," Sho stared at him.

"This is I came here for... It's not only about my tight schedule tomorrow"

J went silent, he played his coffee cup handle. Once in a while. Sho could see his eyes, the way they rolled and all. J really wanted to tell all about what he felt, but somehow this awkwardness between these two seemed never completely faded away. He remembered exactly how the last Abunai Yakai went through and he remembered how he finally shook Sho's hand and Arioshi's hand before he left. Even Arioshi made fun of them and made them laugh in front of the camera, somehow whenever the lights went out, everything went back to the same numbness, same silence and same awkwardness.
So what's the happiness all about? Why he jumped inside when he knew Sho would stop by and spend a night. Even though The main reason was because his morning schedule was  in a tight hour and the closest place to reach was J's place. Deep down, it seemed made him really felt excited and happy.
J finally smiled. He tapped his big bro's shoulder and got up.

"Do you want to change your shirt? I got some extra T-shirt. It's new. You can wear it."

Sho sighed. Not again, he thought. He caught the shirt J handed him. Without any hesitation he open up his own shirt and quickly changed to the white t shirt. It fit perfectly fit him.
Sho knew how J would react whenever the conversation between them went to the serious level.

"Just go to sleep, have it a bit. You need it" said J.

Sho closed his eyes. It doesn't take long for him to fall down into a deep sleep. He was that exhausted indeed.

Come Back; the awaited - Completed [√]Where stories live. Discover now