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Rhythm after rhythm, song after song played from the Music's director laptop. J listened to it tentatively as he commented one and the next and so on. He wanted to make sure every song match to one another. The stage team talked about how the performance work. The lighting team explained about the newest technology they're going to use. J closely and patiently listened to all of them. He gave his thought here and there. Frowned his set eyebrows once in a while and pouted his lips. As the newest coupling song played, he paused. He closed his eyes and listened carefully to every beat.
"So Matsumoto san, how's the performance be like?"
The question from the stage assistant director distracted him from his 'whatever was in his head'.
"Ah, that.. Yeah, I am about to discuss it with Sakurai san. Let's wait for him, ne.
J wondered why his heart beat faster when this person asked him that question. He fisted his hand and bit his lips. Ah it hurts. He was indeed excited and felt anxious at the same time.
The song chosen was so right. The beat was so perfect and Sho-kun's rap was absolute remarkable. He tried his best to sing every tune without making any mistakes.
" it's a great song, and a great performance," he thought.
"Gome, I'm late!" A voice he knew well distracted him from behind.
"Sho kun! How's the meeting?" J greeted him in his typical tone of voice. His voice sounds a bit higher. If somebody can tell, he's so excited Sho finally arrived.
"Ok minna. Sakurai-san is finally here. Let's discuss about it." Exclaimed J with a big smile and excited voice.
Everyone gathered. Not long after that, Aiba, Nino and Riida came in. They're all smiling. Super ready for the meeting.


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