chapter 3

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Alehanjro's  pov

Juan was my best friend since in pre school. We always share our thoughts and opinions. Maybe I should go seek advice from him because he's an expert at love.

"Hey bro , wassup?" I asked
Dude Im in a very complicated situation right now. Remember that girl Emily I told u about?

'Yeah wats up with her?' Juan asked .

Shes my partner to act the scene romeo and Juliet.


Bruh I cant do it , the site of her immediately sweeps me off my feet.

I mean I do like her and I go nuts when I'm around her. How will I focus on the scene. Her voice is so soft and sends butterflies to my stomach every time she speaks. But I can't express my feelings to her. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?

A Dream Came trueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora