You've Changed

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As I walk downstairs Louis walls upstairs but stops me to talk.

"Where are you going?" He chirps.

"To Luke's house." I sigh out and he frowns. "Why don't you hang with me and Ashton?"

I roll my eyes. "Because we never hang out anymore. I though you were to busy."

I walk downstairs and he follows me. "What's wrong Haz?" I cringe at the name. "Nothing!"

He grabs my arm and sound me around. "There's something wrong Harry I can tell!"

I clench my jaw before replying harshly. "How would you know, you haven't talked to me for two days."

When he doesn't respond I roll my eyes again and walk away. I'm so close to getting away from this memory. When I hear a faint.

"You've changed."

My jaw drops and I turn around slowly. "I've changed?" I point at myself. "I haven't changed. You've changed Louis. You have time for everyone else except for me. I'm happy that you have friends, but every time I ask you to hang out,you say you have plans and shit. I haven't changed. I've just grown up!"

I storm outside and jump into my car. I let the tears spill over my eyes because that's the second time in four days that me and Louis have fought. I drive over to the 5sos as fast as I can, after texting Luke.

To Lukey:

Hey, Lou and I got into another fight. I'm coming over...

And like always he texts back seconds later.

From Lukey:

:( Sorry man. Okay see you in a few.

I sigh and drive down the road. My phone vibrates a few times and I'm guessing its Louis trying to talk to me. So I ignore it.

When I pull into the drive way I stop the car and grab my phone. 5 missed texts.

From Lou:

I'm sorry...

From Lou:

Please talk to me Hazza, I don't know what got into me...

From Lou:

Come on, please Harry. I love you!

I cringe at that one because I know its only a brotherly love. Not the love I want and will never get from him.

I sigh and climb out of the car before walking into the house because I piratically live here now. Luke skips over to me and I see Ashton looking at him fondly. Oh my god man just kiss him already. Jesus.

Of course they don't know they like each other. I only found out about Ashton when me and Louis were talking to each other still.

Luke hugs me and Ashton walks over. "Okay Lukey Poo I'm leaving now. See you later!"

Luke hugs him next before Ashton leaves. Right as the door closes I giggle.

"Hehe, you're so cute Lukey, with your little crush and everything!"

He smiles. "Hey I'm not the only one. You have a crush too!"

I sigh. "Yeah. But he hates me..." Luke pulls me into another hug. "Everything will be okay buddy! You'll see! Now tell me what happened."

We pull back and walk into the living room and sit down. I tell him about both of mine and Louis' fights and tears prick at my eyes. He puts my back.

"Oh I'm sorry Harry. You both need time. Hie about you stay the night here and we watch movies all night. Okay?"

I nod and he smiles and stands to put in a movie. "So then. What movie?"

Awe poor Hazza. But Lashton moment!






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