E's story

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"Where are you from si-E?" Luka asked.
(Eren's P.O.V.)
"Well I'm from a city in the kingdom of rose,ruled by the second princess, Petra. In fact I used to be the head of servants there." The boys gasped and smiled. "You side to work for a princess?!" I smiles and sat under a tree holding them close to me. "Yes I did,but she was evil. She wanted to cause destruction and wanted to marry the crowned prince of the kingdom we're staying in right now." They smiled and I began to sing to them gently and soon they were sleeping in my arms. "Heh sleep well boys." The reaches there small arms around my waist and I kissed their heads and began to slowly fall asleep my self.
*time skip till morning*
The sun was barely up when I woke up. The boys where awake hugging me. "Good morning Luka, Ren." The looked up and smiled. "Good morning E!" The boys let go and I gave them both an apple and a chocolate chip muffin. "Thanks!" They yelled in unison. I ate my apple,now that I hade children I hade to save food for them. "Ok kids are you ready for training?" They turned around quickly and their eyes where wide. "Training?!" I nodded and so did they. "Alright now their will be something I wanna ask." They nodded "Who is nightmare?" The told me who nightmare is and turns out I guess I was nightmare.

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